... 8daaaaaamn well you have to be logged into to see these. but daaaaaaamn man. this was posted today and already like a hundred new threads on it. think its true?? the patch tomorrow will increase the drop rate. some guys are looting them off of meatlumps. if you cant read the text in the first pic it says Master Dancer is required to become the most powerful person in the universe or something. basically these new "sith" holocrons that are triangle shaped tell you what proffession you are required to be. What will this do? is it related to force slot? i guess will soon find out neh?
that looks awesome cant wait till i get home. I hope it says i have to be master marksman im almost there!!! Oh yeah im on a wireless laptop at school right now lol!
i dont think its talking about master marksman or like master starting proffessions, i think its like master commando and bounty hunter and dancer and such. anyways hey jacen, pal, buddy, ::waves hand like a jedi:: you will let me teach you master marksman
You need the "new" holocronsall the old ones turned into splintersThe new holocrons cant be traded and there damn hard to get hold of try going to dath and hunting dark jedi.