I have an idea, for other games.
lol, we're good at getting off topicwell there ya have it thenHalo SP is pretty cool i might add (but prolly crap compared to x-boner...err, x-box as desu and christina have assured us)and the mp is good fun, but plagued by a few problems. Team Killers are always around, and unless friendly fire is off (which kinda takes away from the fun of it) or an admin is around, all you can do is try to avoid or kill the idiot yourself. Hopefully updates will encorporate a voting system ala JK. Also, no way to search for your friends or see inside servers (ie, see who's in the server) from the menu, again ala Jk. Maybe because JK is the only other MP game i've player (err...Counter Strike as well come to think of it) I'm comparing it too much to JK, i dunno. Anyways, apparently xbox version is the way to go, that is if you've played both versions, as for me, i've never played xbox, so i'm content with PC version for a while. That's the gist.