Defintions of Whorage.
Defintions of Whorage.
Right.So as many of you may know....there has been a crap load of people crying and whining about all the different whorages out there. What people don't understand is that when they yell out whorage on someone...they are often mistaken to what the hell their talking about.So I have comprised a list and definitions of the different whorages of force powers.1. Absorb Whoring- Using Absorb and another force power such as push and pull with it. Not Absorb Whoring- Using Absorb and Saber Only. Keep it on as long as you like, as long as you use it to defend only against other force powers and only to use saber with it.2. Drain Whoring- Draining to take away someone else's force powers so you can use other force powers against them. Such as draining someone dry then using grip, push, pull or lighting. Not Drain Whoring- Draining someone dry and using only saber against them. 3. Protect WhoringA hard to call whoring. It is when you use protect more than once when on the ground from a push or pull...or a push or pull kick combo. Or leaving protect on completely through out the duration of the fight. Or if you use it when you are kicked to the ground from a regular kick. Not Protect Whoring-Using protect once to while on the ground from a push and pull combo move. Protect is a hard force power to use fairly.4. Lightning Whoring- Using Lightning to lag someone with a intense long lasting burst. Not Lightning Whoring- Using Lightning to deliver a quick blow to a already weak enemy. Those are the 4 most promident whorings. Other than that people just make up whorings to confince themselves that they have been cheated.Good Day...And I would love for people to discuss my views.

i think those are all right taco, nice judgement 

They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
I could do that for enemy territory.Panzer Whoring: Using a panzer to a kill an enemy at point blank range not caring the fact that it kills yourself in the process.Not Panzer Whoring: Using a panzer to do damage to a tank, large group of people, or to stop the train in it's tracks.Mine Whoring: Setting up mines in the same spots while not fighting at all, just sitting back and replacing mines. Also placing mines on spawn points is REALLY wrong!Not Mine Whoring: Placing mines around the objective to protect it.Artillery Whoring: Using it to continually drop on the spawn of the enemy.Not Artillery Whoring: Anywhere else is JUST fine.Covert Op Whoring: Sitting back and sniping, not bothering to either attack or defend the objective. Placing sachel charge on top of enemy spawn.Not Covert Op Whoring: Using your skills to protect or attack the objective.Medic Whoring: Going out solo and continually healing yourself not giving a damn about others. ( I REALLY HATE THIS )Not Medic Whoring: Following around the large groups of people to keep them alive and fighting.Any type of Spawn killing is Whoring also!I think that's about it.... 8)
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Re: Defintions of Whorage.
Protect is a hard force power to use fairly.Which is why its not even in my force_cfg file. 

- Posts: 1835
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
I always drain people's protects away. I just can't stand protect, it just isn't fair. If the drained person gets close to me I might push him or her away but I never attack them (unless it's someone I dislike a lot and who keeps killing me by using cheap methods. I might attack if I happen to be in a bad mood though
). I always let them get back up before I attack again.