Holocrons and the like
Holocrons and the like
Okay, I know some people are wnating jedi, and others can't be arsed with it...... well I am one of the people who is :)However, my problem lies in the fact that I am not hard enough to actually twat the Dark troopers etc on my own.I propose a group of us who all want to be jedi go out there as a 'double hard-barstard' group and get some holo's.Whatcha all reckon???????
Time is not endless.......
Everyone kill Snape and Miller whilst you have the chance!!!!
Everyone kill Snape and Miller whilst you have the chance!!!!
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Can you solo the npcs with no titles? The ar2 80% everything ones, there are two on that little island near the mining outpost. Or maybe force crystal hunters? I'll have to see it myself to believe it.Yeah, Whitey, become a ch/tkm and go own those dark troopers 8) Just get a pet that can resist stun and energy and kinetic.
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- FoUster
- Posts: 2531
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
I forgot you're a heavy swordsman and that you have bleeds..Well let's go off topic now, shall we? I was on Endor today, trying to find baby mantrigue screechers/merek death's heads/arachne widows. After a few screecher and death's head lairs - no babies. Then I spent the next half an hour looking for a widow lair. I found one and they were bitches to kill. I dont quite understand the spawns yet.. But anyway, no babies! I didn't think it would be easy but... I could have got lucky

- FoUster
- Posts: 2130
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm