okwell, can we assume OGL is going to be 1.02?who is in, or should i say, STILL in?it's even on my name thingy, wtf?do you have any pie?ard, i got a few yankee dollars, hook a brother up with an address.phwee fuck phwee
Will OGL be on 1.2 by our match on Wednesday? If so we need to do some serious getting used to it, based on what I've seen.nothing to get used to whatsoever, unless you hop all over the place.Its the same shit, little bigger hit boxes which is like playing with a realism mod. Iplayed for about 3 hours tonight and did just fine. Better actually cuz all the newb bicthes bunny hopping, COULDNT! hahaha!
what aboot sniping? didn't you find it a bit ...off? although, i've been thinking, snipers only get one shot really, so the first one has to count, cuz the next one will take too long to line up after shell eject and new zoom etc...so, snipers, get crackin...maybe i'll work on that..
The gun accuracy and power wasn't changed at all?! Damn I must be hallucinating or just plain sucking now...Anywho... why is no-one on the rented BTP server anymore? its god damn 0/14 almost always... Me thinks we should just stay in there when there are only a few of us, think about it who joins a server with 0, or even 1 or 2?Plus I think alot of people and servers haven't updated.Desu: You played tonight? Where'd you play ya cockle ? Get on vent before you play so we can all play together.
I'm used to it now with most weapons. I could still use a little PPSh work but since Russian has nothing to do with our upcoming game, no worries there.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.