Dogs death

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Dogs death

Post by JagerBombs »

Well today i had to put my dog down, it broke my heart i got pulled out of school and it broke my heart. she was twelve so i grw up with her. i never knew that it would make me feel so bad. But if it is any consolation i stay till i couldent take it anymore, and wen i stood up i almost wanted her to get up and follow. :/
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Post by Kamm »

:( :cry: :( :cry:
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Post by Shadow »

Sorry about your dog mang, I know it feels very very very bad when you lose a lifelong pet. It hurts to think about it. :cry:
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Post by JagerBombs »

it feels as if i jsut lost a sister it sucks
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Post by HanK »

Sorry, man. :cry:
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Post by FailedMunchkin »

Yeah, Duck just died recently, my doggie that I had my whole life. It hasn't hit me yet because he died in the state over... It's really fucked up.
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Post by 7UpYours! »

My scorpion is sick, i dont think hes gonna make it :cry:
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Post by {FoU}Shatterstar »

We had a 15 year old dog and a 16 year old cat that we had since they were born, that died about 2 years ago and was really hard on my family.
[shadow=green:9bb764c5b6]~Shat Happens[/shadow:9bb764c5b6]
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Post by Bane »

damn, so sorry dog is around twelve, and we've been close to loosing her too many times. this is probably her last year, but nobody really thinks about it. hurts too much.
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Post by Pain-Killer »

yay :8 sorry man ur german right??herzliches beileid,mann..
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