enough is enough, a TLoD motiviatonal post
www.worldogl.com sign up, and tell me your user name. then you relog in after i give you the invite, then you accept it and wait 7 days for elligibilitiititiy

alright ladies i think we should all cowboy the fuck up, as a friend from a previous fps game told me before our clan went down the toilet. You either come to these matches or not, your either in the clan or not. These were the same problems that lead to the downfall of my other clan. Only a few were actually committed, sure we all said we would be there but it rarely happened. And dont say you can come unless you are positive your time is open for the match. If you can't make the match a couple times, thats fine, but this team will only work if we make a serious effort to practice and come to these matches.now i am ready to be a soldier, in the TLoD army, and im ready to kill some fuggin nazis. I voted yes
kam thats one of the reasons i didnt mention any names. well now that you say so here we gobob-dead computer...well for cod at leastjace-out of town, excusedtom-out of town, excusedkam-YOU WERE EXCUSED for giving a reason foodai-NO SPECIFIC REASON, NOT EXCUZED! the non-serious about TLoD post didnt help eithertaco-never replied, meaning i assume hes going midget-was going to show uphobar-was going to show upre-tardish-was going to show uptenchi-was going to show upgheed-was going to show upas you see we only had 5 people, 4 with excuses, and 2 with noneTenchi = no DSL = Can't play CODbut i did get my CPU working on Hob's LAN so if we get another challeng i will be able to play. Me and Hobs were going to play but never got the IP or anything.
Instead of addressing excuses, I suggest we get to the root of the problem and organize ourselves some. Lets take this to www.worldogl.com and not spam this server lol. There we can solve problems and choose our leaders that we as a team can assume to do the job well.
Hey! I have a signature!