close to what?kam....NO!!I think he said Shut the hell up!We have only been playing this game for a week fool! A couple hours a day if that. We havent been playing it since it came out like yourself for hours upon hours every day.
Actually, yes I have Des lol. But I stopped playing for like 2 months when we were on naboo. Naboo is teh sux0r when your PA is out in the middle of nowhere without vehicles. I've had this since the start mate, but just got back into it.
no shit sherlock, but I have to attack them atleast once if I want any exp points I cant stand back and shoot them with my gun like all you rifleman pansies!Melee BEETCHES!RIFLEMEN LOVE THE COCK!But I still love Milk.......or is he a carbineer? Can't remember, head hurts......must sleep.....