Well thats it, I logged on and everything was gone. Rippeg fucked me over. All of malas told me he braged about it to try to get back in. He got kicked out for being in cahoots w/ genesis. I have no idea what to do...
Are you sure rippeg did that? I mean malas would say that to you just to make you not friends. Malas doesnt even care about friends its sad. Heck I heard they kicked that Naoaki dude.
If it's true that you logged on to ripeg's account to try to get Genesis zoning rights, and ended up getting him kickede out of Malas, then personally I think you deserved to get your skills deleted.
I believe the jedi was rippegs, I really dont know why we as a "guild" did that to rippeg...I am now finding it really lame I mean if someone fucked fou over I would be so mad.