Corellian Corvette: New Dungeon

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Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

I know the Warren isn't new but I haven't been there yet!Dude it's so annoying! You have to get all the security key cards to unlock this elevator, but that's all after you disable the turret thats guarding the key card room, then after you get all that done, you get swarmed by these uber hard NPC's and not to mention the cyborg huurtons.....and you need to do this and god knows what else all in a time of 2 or 3 hours before your buffs run out, otherwise you're fucked. All that for what?!!! a badge?!!?!?!??!?!jhgkl!KtgN!~U!111ib!Obn! :mad:For the experience 8) How hard is "uber hard" anyway? Does that mean I can't beat the place alone? :(To be safe, I would recommend at least 2 TKM's and perhaps a commando if needed, but thats the most you'll probably ever need. The only real problem I've had so far is when I got past all the doors and there's like 7 guys in the lower levels and about 4 of them con red, the other con yellow, and they all swarm you and shit, but then agian I only died cause I didn't have my composite on, so you prolly could do it alone as long as you're buffed with composite.
Posts: 527
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Shu07 »

when i was there i was with a dood with an AT-ST so we took out the room with one in it no prob, but then i logged :P
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Volatile »

no you guys can solo the place well i did without armor and just good buffs brandy and muon i soloed the Enhanced AtSt that thing is a noob atst it can be knocked down in a heart beat it took me 5 shots to kill it with carbine and a couple shots with llc but this was on my friends game and he is only a bh 0-4-4-4 guys should be able to take it with buffs especially cypher who is supoosedly the best pvp on your server
Death Meets Those Who Cross My Path Unwelcomed, Wanna Check?
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