He could be using his forumaccount at school/college/work with a different IP so he can still look aroundI wasn't saying that it's weird because he had been banned from the forums (since he wasn't), I just don't see why someone who is liked by no one here and claims not to care about anyone here would spend so much time here.well, FoU clan has that effect on people! by allowing himself to come here to these forums shows that he does in fact really truly care about FoU clan itself, and how guilty he feels on the inside. His hiding it and claiming he doesnt know how to crash servers is just an insecurity that actually means: "Hi my name is MAgic and I do indeed want to be a part of the ever growing cool clan called FoU." He is trying to use a reverse psychology mind trick that is indeed working becaise people have been responding so much to this post. How's that for talking out of your ass! (i am going to major in psychiatry LOL)