What's happenin' FoUstahs? It's me, Benjamin Franklin! ...No, wait, I mean, LittleWask. DON'T DO DRUGS!Yeah, so, man, this town blows gargantuan goat gonads. It's like, phweee, drive for 2 minutes, bam, that's it, you're from one side to the other. Laaaaaaaaaaaame. But damn guys, so many many many bars for such a small town. It's CRAZY.

I think there are at least 8 bars in this town, if not more. But it's so freakin' small! This town produces drunks, yep. Then, as luck would have it, the gas station I work at (yes I work at a gas station, blow me) is right across the street from rehab. It's so sweet that it's SOUR! Oh, and no one really likes cake in this town. That's unbelievable! I need caaaaaaaaake. No I don't. Or do I?! ...No.But I've gotten really good at billiards! (That's pool, for all you Swedes) Yeah, about all there is to do is shoot stick, as ReD calls it. ReD, meng, we'll play sometime. I'll make you go into cardiac arrest from the skillz. lol, I kid, I kid. But I could still beat you.

Yeah, so, how are all mah old FoU friends hangin' as of late? Gimme a holla mah sex-E biatches! Fo' Real!!! {FoU-H}LittleWask