just starting on radiant
i was just reading
i was just reading rth holo or watever its called and i dono what it takes to be a jedi but i would surely like to know cause i wana sell it for 2k also lol easy money bitch.MmM Good Bitch!!! That shit will GeT you DruNK!!!im back bitch!!!Rick james BiTcH!!Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttt!!!WWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaTT!!!OOOOOOOOKkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!<chappelle show kiks ass BitCh!!>
constipation is not a bad thing
do it!
go out and buy it for a couple of hours and if you dont like it just take it back i think your alowed to take it back twice before they say you cant anymore, its most definatly the best military game so far, if your a military buff youll be on all night. but if you play it to long to much costnatly it will start to get boring because you have to keep rebuilding your base and that gets old after about 3 or 4 times, tell yah what is funj tho build like 20 air bases and your gaurenteed a win.
constipation is not a bad thing
sorry guys but i cant come to radiant, my guild <DEAD> needs me, the imperials have been organizing continuous attacks on the city i live in o_O so i gotta stay back and help them, for a bit maybe some day ill join radiant thoWHO THE HELL WAS ZIPPO
constipation is not a bad thing