Heh....Vauce, how do you not know Trish to be a lady? Quite scary if you ask me....ok, i'm gonna end it here before I go along with all these other people and start thinking with my dyke as well....Oh yeah, hi
You guys spam like a bunch of horny ass bitches when a girl says Hi on here.Relax, plenty of porn out there, go download some and stop wasting your time trying to get in Trish's panties. It wont happen, so move along....Good point Des and also you all are going about it the wrong way your wasting your time just walk up to the girl and say hey you wanna do it ? It saves time
Haha i joined site and i got 2 respones...wonder why?! :roll:Cuz you arent a 250lb black guy with corn rows like TrishCorrection: A Albino 135 Pound 8th grader with red hair