HOLT FUCKING SHIT!!!!!chris and i agree!!!!![size=24:b18702a7a0]NIGHTCRAWLER AND GAMBIT KICK ASS!!!!!!!!![/size:b18702a7a0]ya, and i read all the old comics plus i have the marvel encycllopedia and X-Men encyclopedia, so i know everything marvel!!! and, i was surprised they didnt toc base on nightcrawler and mystique. But ya if u guys wanna know about like, Wolverines past and how striker said he volunteered or like about phoenix, w.e. i can help ya's;)
Gambit's always been my favorite but damn, Nightcrawler was badass in the movie :)i also like how they started to show the extent of Professor X's power.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok, i know the old T.V. show doesnt always follow comics, which is what i follow....the comics that is, and they have on nightcrawler and he is about to find out who kurt's mom is
yeh, the mother and son thing was very lightly hinted at in the movie, and i mean very. the little dialogue they shared was a nice touch. and yeh, comics and cartoon show were much different. i dont have the encyclopedia like anubis here, but i've followed as a kid. i'm just curious to see if they are gonna leave Sabretooth outta comission or bring him back, they couldnt have killed off such a big name in the first one.... right?
gambit owns, i await seeing him in live action. itll be tight seeing him toss around the cards, TIGHT, cause u know what the makers of xmen and X2 are capable of
Yeah, Chris is right about Sabretooth. And my four favorite X Men characters are Gambit, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Archangel, so the next movie should kick ass with at least 3 out of 4.