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Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:18 pm
by ReDWasK
hey great, now howz aboot you get with the times eh

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:34 pm
by GuessWho17
hey great, now howz aboot you get with the times ehHey now! My original xbox has SO many hours on it (likely 70% of the hours from movies!) and it still runs just fine! It it THE DVD player of my household and I lub my Xbox longtime!Anywho... let me get back on topic here! Nintendo recently sent out emails to everyone who registered their Wii (who wouldn't... comes with a 90 day warranty and then they increase that warranty by 90 days with a simple register to!) The email that came a couple weeks ago was a safety warning to people using a Wii. There is a site out there... something like casualties of the wii... and it shows people getting too INTO the game and throwing their remote... breaking stuff... hitting other people... etc etc! It's pretty damn funny that someone gets so into their game that they throw their remote at a 2500 plasma tv and crack the bitch! :lol: All in all my real point is that the Wii controller is comfortable enough... but after you get active it can become tiring and actually make you sore if you play long enough!For the 360 I have to say of all 3 consoles it has the best controller. The controller is the most comfortable, sleek, and the interface the 360 uses is pretty cool how you can hit the middle button in the middle of a game and check stuff as if it were like a computer! From what I've seen the batteries last long enough and they have a bunch of accessories since they have been out a whole year ahead of the crowd. The PS3 controller is just like the PS2 one, except it's cordless, lighter, six-axis (instead of rumble pack making it a lot lighter,) and it has a button in the middle. I wasn't impressed on how the button worked in-game since it was just like PSP. It actually uses the exact same interface as the PSP which means to look at the actual interface you have to exit your game. What I did like about it though is that you had to hold the button for about 2 seconds before the menu popped up. The weird thing here though is that 360 AND the Wii both have 512 MB of RAM, and PS3 is only pushing out 256. I guess the guys at Sony know what they are doing... but it's a little odd imo! Maybe it has some logic within the new "cell processor" sony is using... I don't really know!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:02 pm
by BloodViper
PS3: 7 (+1 for fanboy pride) 8 - i love it. great graphics, average games (waiting for next year to see some decent games) resistance looks good but it just looks like another run and gun-em FPS. putting media on your ps3 sounds good. it would be nice if i could put my downloaded movies on there. playstation store sounds cool but i hear it sucks now. you can download game demos, more games, and even PSone games for your PSP (it's akward for PSP owners since you basically need a PS3 just to play them). i have yet to really hear from the multiplayer for games but i'm guessing it works. nothing special if i haven't reeally heard much from it. overall, i'm saying it has potential, Sony just hasn't really harnessed it yet with the shortage and price.Xbox 360: 8 - the graphics look good. i've been disappointed with games because lots of them are ports of last-gen games with updated graphics :-\ i think what the console has going for it is it's graphics really. while they might not be OMG SUPER GOOD, WAY BETTER THAN THE PS3 (and bias aside, i'll admit that the PS3 and Xbox 360 could pull off the same visuals) it just the console doesn't really offer much. of course halo 3 is gonna be what makes this ultimately sell. my friend just got one the other day and i plan to spend some real hands on time with it and then i'll update this better. but i will say that Microsoft has got a better strategy going on right now with marketing and the appliances are great too. and you can turn it on and off with your controller. that shit is so fucking awesome.i'm gonna end this off right here and say that the console wars for this generation is PS3 vs. Xbox 360. I'm not being a Wii hater but i'm just saying that in the next years, i can tell that no matter what, people are gonna be talking about "No, Sony is better!" "No, Microsoft is better!" while Nintendo is in it's own arena.Wii: 9 - last-gen graphics, but it's games are highly addicting. the controller adds a new spin to things and i really must say that lots of parents may find themselves getting their kids this for christmas with the cheap price. hell, lots of people will be finding this for christmas. the cheap price honestly attracts people and that will make it sell.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:16 pm
by Anubis
if there are kids that orgasm at unwrapping a blastoise card on christmas day...then im sure there are kids that are stupid with their wii-motes.honestly ive never gotten tired playing it cause while in commercials it shows u swinging the sword fully and lunging with it all u need to do is lightly flick your wrist and it does the action. hell i play it at stock settings and u can even increase or decrease the sensitivity if it isnt right. and i wouldnt say its last gen graphics either just that they go with a different angle in all their games. its no doubt its the lesser of the three but all the pretty things have gone to the bigger consoles cause they think thats where they should be. i would love to see how it would look on a wii to play the newest games

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:22 pm
by GuessWho17
Well as far as the Wii and games go... I have Wii sports obviously, Zelda, and Red Steel. I rented Dragonball Z Budokai...erm.. techakicahsdsacuhais something 2. It was actually pretty fun, but I had to use the classic controller to really do what I WANTED to do in the game.Zelda is awesome. The game is basically a lot like the nintendo 64 counterpart except the graphics are a lot better. They did a great job on how the graphics are done... not quite "real" and "good" graphics, but more of a fantasy-like somewhat of a mix between cartoonish and lifelike. I personally think they couldn't of done much better on the graphics. It really is hard to say much, but as far as the controls go the game is just fine. I just flick the Wii-mote when I swing the sword in that game, and I can play for hours without getting tired. This game is so damn long... I mean really! I only have 28 hours into the game (mostly from using a guide) and I'm only around halfway through. It's the second best zelda game ever next to ocarina of time. The ONLY let down, and I mean only a small thing at that... is that some sounds in the game are only played through the Wii-mote. The Wii-mote speaker is kinda low quality, and while you can turn the sounds down or completely off most of them are only played through it - so you could miss something important if you turned it off. It doesn't bother me that much... just the sword swings at first are a little annoying but you become use to it.Red Steel... well lets just keep it at "overrated." It's a good game to rent, and does the job they tried to do - come out with a decent FPS release title on this new generation of controllers. Overall its just a game you will want to rent because it becomes very repetitive with limited abilities. I took this game back for a trade-in of 24$ the other day and I'll be getting something else. I'll probably grab Call of Duty 3 come xmas time!Wii sports... this is the shit that makes you get cramps and pains after prolonged game play! It's such a fucking simple game that I can't believe I like it so much. I hate bowling, always hated bowling and never found it to be very interesting. After I got Wii I will admit that I now like bowling and would easily consider going to bowl IRL with friends or family. I would play bowling for 6 hours straight. SIX HOURS! My real life friend, his sister, his sister's boyfriend, and myself would play Wii for so long and then wake up the next day to find our "bowling arm" sore as hell! While some people say you may not have to do full motions... or whatever, I think it's implied that if you want to have the most fun with this particular game you should be doing it like you would normally. I mean sometimes I just flick it.. or as a joke on bowling I'll do it REALLY slowly and sometimes even get a strike from it but its the most fun to express your swings. I even found myself starting to pull back the wii-mote in zelda when I went to shoot my bow and slingshot, even though all you have to do is hit the button and let go. It just makes it more fun for me :lol: Other Games: I got a wii points card and downloaded Super Mario 64 and Sonic the Hedgehog. They are both identical to the original and I have yet to have a single problem in either games! Well.. except for dieing... and sucking... but thats my own fault. For gamecube games they play flawlessly. They slide in place with no problem when putting them in the console. Also, my dad bought me a wireless gamecube controller and it works perfectly. My friends and I played super smash bros melee with original gamecube controllers and loaded his memory card with no problems at all. I've also played Tony Hawk 3 and Spyhunter for gamecube and have yet to find a single problem with the Wii and its compatibility.One last thing I would like to add about the Wii is that it is extremely quiet, runs very cool, and I have had it running for a straight 18 hours with no problems yet.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:01 am
by Evangelion
Complaints about flying Wii-Mote's come from some very careless people. A friend of mine has a Wii and I played it a few nights ago. If you put the wrist strap on and tighten it, like your supposed to, the chances of the remote flying away are almost none.Anyway, I'm gonna let the fanboy in me talk and say that while Sony has made some rather large mistakes with the PS3, I don't know why it's so "cool" to bash it nowadays. I'm not talking about you guys, but about stuff I see on sites around the Web. Microsoft was in this exact same predicament at this time last year with the 360. There were no outstanding games, systems were having problems, and there were a lot of crappy ports. I think it's just better to reserve judgement on the PS3 for a year. I mean, look what a difference it made for the 360; it's gotten top quality stuff like Oblivion and Gears of War.In my opinion, the real "console war" or whatever doesn't start until the 2007 Holiday Season. Oh, and someone buy me a Wii so I can play Trauma Center: Second Opinion. :thumbright:

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:59 am
by GuessWho17
I will agree 110% with Evan's post. Right now 360 graphics and PS3 graphics are equal (if not leaning over to 360 with better graphics) but in all honesty lets give sony one year untill we really compare the graphics. Just look at some of the earlier 360 games!On a side note - I have yet to throw my Wii-mote yet, nor have any of my friends and we don't wear the safety strap! (well theres one exception... one of my friends threw it but he was drunk...) But I took the entire safety strap off just because it gets in the way 8)

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:16 am
by ReDWasK
this guy my friend works with knocked his friend's tooth out playing wii sports tennisOWNED!

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:16 am
by Anubis
like i said i dont have a ps3 and im judging it by its launch. my score was based on the main facts that it just launched so it will have bugs and the fact i dont really feel i need one cause no games really scream out. yet

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:52 am
by ReDWasK
and you're a broke ass j3w