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Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:55 am
by Anubis
You see, that kind of 'black' people he talks about is the kind that doesn't bother me. The one that does his shit, minds his own business and acts like anyone normal.The kind of black people I hate, even though i'm not racist at all, is the one with that cocky attitude, speaking creol (Or so they do in Montreal) and thinking they're actually someone, and then if you face them, they'll cower off and bring back a dozen friends to rip you apart. What's wrong with that, can't face me by yourself? Argh, whatever.. if you guys don'T care, I find that relieving to know that some of them seem to have become althemore normal, and they got restaurants and shit.That came off as kinda racist to me, actually. :?im sure if that was racist shad would of replied...o wait...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:27 pm
by PsychoMidget
Thanks Recon, we're advancing at an exponential rate! Pretty soon we'll even figure out how to buy homes and become completely human just like white people!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:39 pm
by CaldoDeRes
the thing is , that in a lot of black owned and operated resturants, people seem to mind their manners more and eat like human beings..thats just the way it is.. kinda like the white people not spanking there kids and putting them in time out... well now we have to deal with a lot of gay white kids..blacks and mexicans tend to beat their kids giving them a sense of asswhoopage and manners.. There is a Black owned and operated diner in downtown houston "Avalon Drug Co." ... mostly all white lawyers and doctors and big wig dignitaries eat there... its located next to the river oaks, one of the most expensive places to live in houston.. still when i go in there, there is still a feeling of being SERVED your food by a me when i was waiting tables thats all it was , is being a servant or a gopher..u know go pher this go pher that. now im da boss THE BIG MEXICAN JEFE' but see any misfortune could happen leaving me back on the streets so always be thankful for what you have or don't kiddos. and yes im racist against people from Sweden like Zippo and Heatie and i'm also racist against anything Apple or Mac.. because not only do gays fight for their rights.. i believe Apple and Mac should join forces with the gay community to fight for their gay rights.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:15 pm
by Jordan
I hate when people bitch and moan about racism, even if they're not being treated badly. But the kind of people who start shouting at you as you're at work and try and explain for the tenth time that we don't serve breakfast after 11 am that I'm a racist prick who likes to pick on "low class hicks" or call "Racism!" over any trivial thing. wtf

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:10 am
by Musashi
I hate when people bitch and moan about racism, even if they're not being treated badly. But the kind of people who start shouting at you as you're at work and try and explain for the tenth time that we don't serve breakfast after 11 am that I'm a racist prick who likes to pick on "low class hicks" or call "Racism!" over any trivial thing. wtfFucking racist!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:31 am
by Jordan
I hate when people bitch and moan about racism, even if they're not being treated badly. But the kind of people who start shouting at you as you're at work and try and explain for the tenth time that we don't serve breakfast after 11 am that I'm a racist prick who likes to pick on "low class hicks" or call "Racism!" over any trivial thing. wtfFucking racist!goddamn

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:27 pm
by Original
I hate when people bitch and moan about racism, even if they're not being treated badly. But the kind of people who start shouting at you as you're at work and try and explain for the tenth time that we don't serve breakfast after 11 am that I'm a racist prick who likes to pick on "low class hicks" or call "Racism!" over any trivial thing. wtfFucking racist!goddamnblashphemy!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:53 pm
by Recon
Thanks Recon, we're advancing at an exponential rate! Pretty soon we'll even figure out how to buy homes and become completely human just like white people!I'm once again victim of my own lousiness to explain my thoughts. I have a lousy english, nothing I can do about it.Not only the black guys do that, don'T forget about it, which means I don'T hate black people, I despise people who have this attitude that makes them think they're better than everyone else. They're human beeings, like everyone else, and nothing should give anyone the right to team up 10 against 1.. Blacks, Latinos, Whites, Mexicans, whatever the fuck you want, if they got that kind of attitude, they better piss off..Oh and what I meant by becoming ''more normal'' was that some of these guys who were caught in gangs decided to let go, and run a normal life instead of picking on people, that's just it.By the way Shadow, stop thinking the whole world is against you, only I want to stab you with a sharp pair of scissors :D

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:12 pm
by Shadow
Idiot. I KNOW the whole world isn't against me, because it's ME who is against the THEM. I hate every single one of you, and before I die you WILL feel my fury. I'll put you in a bamboo cage, and make you feel all my rage.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:14 pm
by Musashi
Idiot. I KNOW the whole world isn't against me, because it's ME who is against the THEM. I hate every single one of you, and before I die you WILL feel my fury. I'll put you in a bamboo cage, and make you feel all my rage.Shit, you're against all of us? Bamboo cages too? Fuck, I better go learn Krav Maga or something.