I was also unimpressed by the gameplay, though my rig ran it fine at 1440x900.Well, I tried it at 1900x1200 all settings maxed and it ran slow, so I tried it at 1020 and it worked.Which is how I came to my assumption of " couldn't run it higher than 1020 resolution without it being laggy as hell".
CoD4 is boring and repititive. But its still a kick ass game. get at me on live sometime FoU ZERO ENNA
I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
I hate to do so but I agree with Tib, COD4 is a superior shooter. I loved the sniper level more than all of Crysis combined.ya they adjusted it so if you are good, you dont need the hold_the_breath shot.....damn sniper rifle is tits!!!!!
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
ok i finished crysis and i think its pretty good, the reason it lags if u do the highest settings is because the computer that has to run highest settings without lag has yet to be made. [spoiler:dd0147ef7a] if u have seen the ending you just know there is gonna be a sequel, tho i agreed they could have made it harder. like in the last level on the ship , if you look up you see like thousands of alien squids(as i call them) and only 3 or 4 attack you each time and maybe 20 in total[/spoiler:dd0147ef7a]i give it a 92/100