so when is that SWG emulation gonna come out so we can all hit that up again and rebuild fou city :Di would love to join, but prolly that pay to play is going to ruin that dream :(u failthe usual
This one time, I was standing around in SWG Emu and there was a fish named Bob and a human named Shad with nothing on but some shorts standing like two inches away from each other. i got a screenshot.
I had 0 combat skills, but was one of the first master architects and politicians thanks to you guys. I built most of FoU City, and god damn that was a lot of work. I had a blast though, just got burned out on it after grinding so hard.
The early days of SWG were a lot of fun. I remember when we found the exploit to transfer med exp into faction points, then Vauce and I bought a bunch of rebel bases and exploited them in that player city we were in and made an awesome fortress. Then those imperial child molesters came, in reported us, got the lamp post removed that blocked the entrances, then took them down at 6am.
c-c-c-c-cypherrr?R???!?!?R?R????I knew it I knew he'd be back people always come back from being afk, see guyS?! after all these years I kept tellin' ya!where have you beeeen
I browse a lot but never post. Been a lot of places. I could give you a couple pages of my online gaming endeavors over the last couple of years but that would be really long and not that interesting. Let's see. I played Lineage 2/WoW on and off for four years or so. Finally quit Lineage 2 and sold all my shit about a year ago, then went on and quit WoW a couple of months later. Then I decided to change my major to Geology so I've been concentrating on school a lot this past year. Most likely done with MMO time sinks for now(Unless something really good and addictive comes out then I'm fucked). Anyway I check the forums pretty often I just don't post all that much.