IMPERIAL!!! STORM TROOPAS THE DEATH STAR, WHY REBELLIONS AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyway I just found out that if I make a house somewhere I need to 'buy' the land...
a player is given a certain amount of lots ... lots are pretty small but players will get more than one anyhoo ... im gonna be rebels ... mabey ... i might be neutral and i think we should build a town cuz bases atract the opposite faction andwe dont want poor taco to get killed right in the middle of droid making now do we?
yif i discover the force sensitive char slot i will become a jedi.I also tink that If someone in the clan becomes a jedi its will be our duty to protect them until they reacht he level of jedi master where they will no longer be able to die so easily becuase once a jedi knight dies a certain amount of times the character is deleted.
I do things for money and for money only...unless its for FoU....lmao...if anyone wants me to capture/torture someone just let me know (Thinks about capturing mech and putting him in a jail......then getting beaten real life).....lmao
well Cyph, that should be common courtesy. anyone (clan or clan friendly) that wants to become a jedi will be protected by said clan and clan friends :)geez, now i made it sound like a but seriously, that's the way it should be