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Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:31 am
by Snape
If they ever release more professions and therefore more skill points, I might take Commando up as a 4th skill. I've seen some of the shit they can do, it's mental.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:11 am
by Cypher
Keep this in mind snape: If you don't duel, but you like pvp and pve, then be a commando.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:16 am
by Snape
What's the duel deal then?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:19 am
by Cypher
If you like to duel your best bet is a bounty hunter, or going up the dirty fighting tree for smuggler..the best combo ive seen is Rogue(Master dirty fighter) with commando using a luancher pistol. SO basically last ditch with a launcher pistol :).

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:27 am
by Snape
Hmmm... what to do...I still wanna be a squaddie cos I enjoy that and it'd be handy to have in a group (especially once I get unified strike) but I want master pistol and pole as well...That Commando sure is tempting now though. But knowing SoE they'll wait until most people have got high up in the profession then nerf it so it sucks again.Is it just me, or have they seriously nerfed Supression Fire so it rarely hits and even when it does it sometimes fails to change their posture? :cry:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:34 am
by Cypher
Theyve nerfed all status changing attacks.Ive also seen some insane stuff from commandos. theyre particle beam cannons do aropund 5000 damage per shot only 30 shots per cannon.Ive seen flamethrowers kill 15 people with fire damage, and pistol luanchers are awesome aswell.Im not exactly sure what to do either :(.Your best bet at leveling the squad leader stuff is grouping with a bunch of creature handlers on lok and killing snorbals.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 11:58 am
by Saurrr!
Is it just me, or have they seriously nerfed Supression Fire so it rarely hits and even when it does it sometimes fails to change their posture? :cry:It's the 30-second posture change/knockdown timer.I'm still gonna be a master ch and a master tka. When I get to master tka I might surrender it tho :P I dunno yet. When I have tk and ch mastered and ranged support surrendered I'll have 8 skill points left. I could use 6 of em to get novice pistoleer but that wouldn't help me very much. Where to put them..where to put them... :itch:

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:47 pm
by Shin Akuma
<--- Master Bounty Hunter..... as soon as I find another xp goldmine... Cypher they took away my defending rebels on Dantooine :?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:27 pm
by Cypher
i need another gold mine too, im almost master pistoleeya

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 12:10 am
by Kamm
but I want master pistol and pole as well... :shock: go figure :roll: :lol: :wink: