Holiday Tournament!

Any official news or announcements needed to be made
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Post by Juggalo »

yeah well none of you bitches play enemy territory anymore! :P and it's a FREE friggin game!
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Post by TacoBell »

But Desu. Are you gonna be able to provide a server for more than 8 people in Call of Duty? I picked JK2 cause of the large servers we have stationed in it and also it is a game that probaly has the closest to 100 percent have it or have the potential of loading one more time for a few hours....
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Post by tiberius »

des....lighten up already....jk2 still has a lot of life left in it....the fact that you and others find it boring doesnt mean that it is a dead still provides a lot of enjoyment to some of us in the clanmore importantly, jk2 is not only where fousters got their start...but continues to provide a basis for {FoU}'s continued existence and good like jk2 and swg allow for interaction of personalities and growth of friendships....very few other games can make that claimand the fact that i still spend a lot of time in jk2 doesnt mean that i dont enjoy new games if they are not afraid of being a noob, and i spend a lot of time in COD, for instance... tell me i didn't fucking pwned ppl on this map last nite
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
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Post by DesuMacchi »

But Desu. Are you gonna be able to provide a server for more than 8 people in Call of Duty? I picked JK2 cause of the large servers we have stationed in it and also it is a game that probaly has the closest to 100 percent have it or have the potential of loading one more time for a few hours....First off I cant help it my server only holds 12 people. What do you want for free? I dont see any of you hosting a server and leaving it up and on all the damn time. So blow me on that comment. Another is jk2 server = 30 fuckin dollars for a 24 man server. Its 80 bucks for a 16 man CoD server. BIG difference bubba. I would love to rent us a server for CoD but unlike most of you I dont live at home with my parents and actually have to make it on my own. And as far as a server for a tourney goes As a matter of fact Taco yes I do have a server to have a tourney on. My former Medal Of Honor clan told me I could use thier 32 man server anytime I wanted to have a tounrey, a friendly match what have you. SO yeah I can to answer your question.
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Post by hota »

Tib i bet all those guys suck or somting, or maybe your just good.... :shock:
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
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Post by HanK »

COD hell of a lot of fun, and that's where I'll spend the vast majority of my gaming time, but there's no reason not to play some JK@ when the urge strikes, and if we're having a tourney or other shendig, all the better.
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Post by TacoBell »

Des. Tib is right, you need to calm down. I never attacked your CoD server, infact I am very greatful along with everyone else that you have it up and running. Just saying that JK2 is the ideal game for a get together. And as of now your one of the only people really knocking the if you don't like JK2...then don't come..nobody is forcing you.Sry to sound so hard.
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Post by DesuMacchi »

Des. Tib is right, you need to calm down. Sry to sound so hard.Telling me to calm down is like me telling you to spell correctly, it wont happen. I voice my opinion and say what ever I feel like saying because I can. Sounding hard?? HAHA!Anyways... Maybe since I am playing CoD I just figured everyone else would have a go at it and enjoy it as much as I do. Since that doesnt seem to be the case here, a drop of the tag may be the only way go. A side clan maybe? Solo?Who knows - does kinda suck though that tourneys and shit like that will only be for JK2 because of us not having a "good enough" server to get the gang on all at once. Enjoy the tourney though... tell everyone I said hey :) I guess the main thing is we arent the tightly knit bunch we used to be before we all started branching out into other games. It wont ever be how it was.Sad really that I used to see ALOT of FoU at once, now I see RD, Toofy, Hank and Kam and thats about it. The others I see in here and maybe for 10 minutes on CoD. Its like we have clans inside of a Clan.Oh well... back to work, then to ponder what is in my future here...
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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

Des. Tib is right, you need to calm down. Sry to sound so hard.Telling me to calm down is like me telling you to spell correctly, it wont happen. I voice my opinion and say what ever I feel like saying because I can. Sounding hard?? HAHA!Anyways... Maybe since I am playing CoD I just figured everyone else would have a go at it and enjoy it as much as I do. Since that doesnt seem to be the case here, a drop of the tag may be the only way go. A side clan maybe? Solo?Who knows - does kinda suck though that tourneys and shit like that will only be for JK2 because of us not having a "good enough" server to get the gang on all at once. Enjoy the tourney though... tell everyone I said hey :) I guess the main thing is we arent the tightly knit bunch we used to be before we all started branching out into other games. It wont ever be how it was.Sad really that I used to see ALOT of FoU at once, now I see RD, Toofy, Hank and Kam and thats about it. The others I see in here and maybe for 10 minutes on CoD. Its like we have clans inside of a Clan.Oh well... back to work, then to ponder what is in my future here...That just screams of a soap should submit it! :D
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Post by Evangelion »

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