i alredy kbnow how to make efficent macros for armorsmith i just need to collect 150k metal 119k fiberplast 73k hide 46k iner 5466 synthetic cloth= 88k fiberplast 22k inert and then i have what is needed to master armorsmith... gotta go get my harvesters running!Do it that way and you will either:A) DIE.B) Give the fuck up.
yeah kazr taught me a better way that will only take 5 days. Hehe i got a macro tool that copys my mouse movements and clicks so i can set it while playing swg and use both macros so the mouse clicks in the resourses for me so now i only need 300k metal.
yeah kazr taught me a better way that will only take 5 days. Hehe i got a macro tool that copys my mouse movements and clicks so i can set it while playing swg and use both macros so the mouse clicks in the resourses for me so now i only need 300k metal. :twisted:Is it called actmak? Cuz man, that shit don't work.
omg you pplz... there should be something in armorsmith that only costs steel and inert petrochems... just put your macro on with that... it will got alot faster... and with weaponsmith theres something that only costs steel...