Carbineer is gonna pwn after publish 7....area effect dizzy and area effect knockdown?!?!?! Can we say pwnage?!?!Not when I have +70 KD defense and +80 posture change defense.
have fun with that WHEN COMMANDO IS NERFED TO THE MAX!!!!! :twisted:They already nerfed commando with the DOT dmg. What the hell else are they going to do with it? If they do any more it will cease to be a profession or class. That's all we have!
they are going to make these fire blankets where you use one and it puts out the fire on you...its ghey, and im am REALLY REALLY confused on what im going to tired of thinking about it...its making meh head hurt.
I dunnnnnoooo.....I think I am gonna go...Master DoctorFor sure...But then I dunno...may go TKM in the future...or should I keep rifleman...though i think it sucks...