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Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:00 am
by GuessWho17
Well the quest thing is cool and all, but honostly....SOE Sucks at keeping their word. They talk about how they are lessening the grind, when all in all, this is a bigger grind then doing all 32 professions. No joke. Not only that but its timed and crap, and once you DO get padawan, your going to HATE grinding through the sabers line. You'll be worse then a novice brawler grinding unarmed. By far worse.And as far as the warren goes...I HATE THE AHSUFHFSAUDFUAHUSHFUSHAHF TURRET DIE ASJDIJSAIFDJASIFJIAJSFIJASF. Oh and I did end up going back and getting that badge, and before I left, I threw some <3 in the turrets general direction. Dai found it amusing when I told him...Genshu tells you, "ROFLMAO OWNED!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!!"
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 1:41 pm
by Outlaw
lol, thats awesome, but yea if this new quest thing came out during the summer id be all over it due to all the freaking free time i would have, and i would have nothing else better to do :/
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:50 pm
by HobarNintendo
I soloed the warren and them damn bunny rabbit mutant things o.o
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:33 pm
by Outlaw
rly got nothing to say, just wanted to make an evan 500 posts 8)
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:39 pm
by Jordan
rly got nothing to say, just wanted to make an evan 500 posts 8)Or wait until you see a thread, in which you could make a relevant post...
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:46 pm
by Outlaw
Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2004 8:20 pm
by DocSnyder
had some time this weekend so i played on my tk char =)40k exp left to tk novice woohoosad thing is that i play with q-ju(old jk2 buddy) on europe infinity and not on radiant.