FUCK..........someone crashed the server yesterday, and the only way to restart was to delete the jk2mpconfig.cfg and do a restart........for some fucking reason that fucking thing stops showing one the masterlist.....i have not a fucking clue y...................................................
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
that sucks. i didn't have it on my favorites b/c it wouldn't be added there for some strange reason. that's why i was hoping someone could give me the ip address. but if it's still down, there's no point :/
that sucks. i didn't have it on my favorites b/c it wouldn't be added there for some strange reason. that's why i was hoping someone could give me the ip address. but if it's still down, there's no point :/sry chris...didnt see what u were asking,ip is
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha