lol I'm not rich, if anything I'm "wealthy" but I don't like being called rich. Basically, I can have anything I want as long as I make it through school. I quote my dad on that as well.
Gw....just something I don't understand. You say you feel happy in earning something you worked for, didn't work for the jedi. I mean, you bought it and didn't go through the process of holo see my point?
gw you just opened me up for major rantage, ill admit im part of a "weatlhy" family, ive got As in all my classes, im in all the hardest classes possible as of right now, i go to a public school that is in top 20 in the nation. and my parents dont give me shit. no tv, im not allowed to have my own computer, 11 oclock bed time, and 1 hour on the computer a day....yeah you guys can flame me....oh and i get blamed for all the computer problems on our 2 computers. wait a second, who always fixes the computers? that would be me. hey remember when they hired that computer consultant to fix the network??? yeah they paid him 1000 dollars to fix our computer network. ok he fixed the computer network but he also fucked up the computer so it woudlnt even turn on....they brought him back to fix the new problem. he did absolutely nothing but he did break our other computer. he got another 1000 dollars. hmmm yeah i fixed both of them later....for free....
ClickyIt's called a Hyperlink! Whoever though up that clicky crap is obviously evil. (And i'm buying that Joystick for Christmas, with JTL, and not WoW)
ClickyIt's called a Hyperlink! Whoever though up that clicky crap is obviously evil. (And i'm buying that Joystick for Christmas, with JTL, and not WoW) :PVauce = secksi