Alright so I'm gonna play SWG, but I'm having a problem.
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its not that i dont like lowca its just that people keep getting the impression that radiant is a bad server, which it isnt. from what i have been through, radiant has some of the better pvpers. well i havent pvped recently but we took the other servers to kindergarten on TC2 back in the day. also i have learned radiant has slightly lower prices for most necessities than other servers.another reason why i dont lowca is quite simple, ive barely played there :O.

after playing both i can safly say i can get better gear on Radiant ... i havent done an extensive search but im still without armour on Lowca after looking round a few places .... i dunno maybe im too picky but i can get all 9 peices of my composite (the full set) on WITHOUT buffs .... you might be suprised what kinda difference that can make 

- Posts: 2021
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after playing both i can safly say i can get better gear on Radiant ... i havent done an extensive search but im still without armour on Lowca after looking round a few places .... i dunno maybe im too picky but i can get all 9 peices of my composite (the full set) on WITHOUT buffs .... you might be suprised what kinda difference that can make
Hehe Ael, that is one thing about Radiant vs Lowca. Radiant has more Armorsmiths, but Lowca has more Weaponsmiths. Radiant has lower prices on buffs, but higher prices on weapons and armor. Its sort of a trade off and in the end it all evens out. Today I created a new Radiant character on my Jedi station account (Named GuessWho') and right off the bat I saw 2 spanish doctors shouting the norm buff messages.
I've yet to even see a spanish-speaking doctor on Lowca 

- FoUster
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everyone likes to forget about me :(That's because you're name is so different on SWG and here! I sometimes look at my friends list and think, "Who the heck is Wyeth?! O-o-oh!"But yeah, Cloud is on Radiant, too. And quite a friendly player, who is the most noticeable guy you'll ever meet.Ever.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
everyone knows it sucks to an Imperial pilot .... i havent tried it but in the star wars universe TIE's dont even have on board life support and no sheild either, all they have going for them is speed and agility but you can get all that with an A wing and still have sheilds and stuff
not that i care either way .... freelance all the way