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Post by TacoBell »

Jacen I don't know what times you go on...but I was on for 5 hours today. Oh and Outlaw, I got armor and a swoop rdy for ya.
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Post by GuessWho17 »

LOL i heard shipwright was easy if you had the resources that could fill up an imperial star destroyer.If you have 30 million credits for resoruces, yes, you can master it within 1 hour. Theres more to it bob. Consider basic masteries for example, would you buy stimpacks from a novice doctor or a master doctor? With that being said, people go to master shipwrights first. This makes it difficult for the aspiring lowbie shipwright. Being that it takes so much to master, you can always try and compete with the population as it stands. This is where it gets technical. You have A LOT of people who went shipwright cause its the new shizzle, so you have the odds stacked aginst you once again. The rich people make the good stuff because they can afford the good resources, while the not-so-rich/poor people can try to compete but won't do as well. The more rich people selling their items, the more competition, and the more sales and price dropping. Since many many rich people went shipwright, the prices are really competitive and can get quite low. With all this being said, a lowbie shipwright can try to compete with these tyrants, but won't do worth crap due to the experimentation points and etc you get through Master versus Novice. In order to GET good, you have to be rich, or become rich. Now, all of this being set aside, shipwright is also very technical itself. With weapons its quite simple really, Damage and Speed. With chef its quite simple (for the most part)...Duration and High stats. With armor its once again quite simple, High Kinetic and Stun for the most part (Armorsmith is probabally the second most technical crafting profession). Now with Shipwright, it brings a whole new ballgame. You have weight to worry about, energy cost, damage and speed, and many other variables that need to be looked into. While it may just seem like a quick and easy thing, it really can boggle your mind at the possibilities. I don't even want to get anymore technical than that because I'm sure you get the jist of what I'm explaining. Bob...you make it so difficult.im actually thinking of making a Bounty Hunter or Commando lol i dont know why, seems fun though or Carbineer, or my melee choice would be swordsmenAs for this...SEXSI! Carbineer was killer fun. If you go Commando, I have some flamethrowers you can level up with *scolds at taco* If you go bounty hunter or carbineer, I can aid you with carbines etc. If Taco doesn't suit you with some basic composite armor before me, than I will see to it.Same with you PK- I can hook you up with a flamer if you need one.
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Post by Pain-Killer »

need to get novice commando first.but before that im gonna master rifleman profession then delete the rifleman profession,master the marksman profession and get master commando after that 8) you still could hook me up with some armor (got "only" ubese jacket 70%kin and pants 80%kin,but cant wear anymore armor,need a stats migration first :/ ) and money.does any1 know an id who wcould change my stats?
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Post by GuessWho17 »

need to get novice commando first.but before that im gonna master rifleman profession then delete the rifleman profession,master the marksman profession and get master commando after that 8) you still could hook me up with some armor (got "only" ubese jacket 70%kin and pants 80%kin,but cant wear anymore armor,need a stats migration first :/ ) and money.does any1 know an id who wcould change my stats?Keep Rifleman for as long as possible. As for armor, I'll get you some composite and throw you some credits. Finally, as for an Image Designer, your absolutly fucked and on your own there. LoL?! But seriously, go to coronet and Search, Image Designer. If none pop up, check the tent anyways. If noone is there try theed and do the same 2 steps. Thats how I find my ID's.I remember Taco was going to go Rifleman / Commando, but decided TKM / Rifleman instead. Rifle / Commando can be fun. Leaves you with 18 skill points to either put into Nov Medic/diag1 or 0030 Smugglar. (Launcher pistol + Lowblow and feign death) Just some thoughts for debate.
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Post by Pain-Killer »

umm im master medic 4/4/4/4 and doc 3/3/3/1 if you forgot about that..and marksman 4/3/3/4.going for Mmarksman 4/4/4/4 and Mdoc 4/4/4/4 and then commando now.
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

gw you took it past step 2 to like step 9 in terms of what i was trying to say.any crafting profession is easy to grind you just need a good repeating macro, 6 crafter kits some mad clicking skills, and resources. now making the final product is always gonna be harder. here is my so called chart of bobtastic crafter ranks in order from easiest to hardest. shipwright not included because i dont know anything about them. smuggler (stats of resources mean about as much as their combat skills do, JACK SHIT)tailor (easy as SHIT lol!!!! hard to sell stuff though)architect (easy as shit because there are no stats, only harder than tailor because of resources)droid engineer (no one is gonna buy much of anything from you anyway)bio engineer (hardest of all to grind but no ones gonna buy anything from you so if you even bothered going this, you should be SHOT)chef (hard because of finding good stat resources, but once you do you're like set for life)weaponsmith (very hard. nuff said)armorsmith (weaponsmith on an even tougher level because of having to make 9 items per customer)
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Post by Outlaw »

thnx taco and GW and a slight name change lol my name on Lowca is Outlaw'dont forget the ' at the end and i am going master swordsmen and master medic and then either master doc or combat medic
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Post by GuessWho17 »

Yup bob I totally agree with that list, with Shipwright being at the very bottom due to the immense ammounts of resources and components needed just to make the items - THEN the experimentation and all. Its like...mad hate...As for architecht they finally made them have some customabilitiy with the BER and matience costs...but..lol.
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Post by Pain-Killer »

thnx taco and GW and a slight name change lol my name on Lowca is Outlaw'dont forget the ' at the end and i am going master swordsmen and master medic and then either master doc or combat medici can teach ou all the skills til you are a master medic :wink: need more ap,only got 810 lolim usually in coronet or mos eisley or sim city for med crafting.just contact me if u need anything and ill be there :wink:
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Post by Vauce »

im actually thinking of making a Bounty Hunter or Commando lol i dont know why, seems fun though or Carbineer, or my melee choice would be swordsmen Or you could go Master Fencer, Master Rifleman, 4/3/0/4 TKA.
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