Well, that's all well and good, GW! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying WoW!Maybe this should be posted in the 'Other Games' section?No, It pertains to SWG sucking, so its in the right section.As the players come sneaking back in, also, do the trolls.
I think I am gonna stay in SWG and be faithful to SOE. In my mind, their staff of people who work on the game, do so 24/7, and will find away to improve the things we don't like in the game.
as many of you know im not a big medevil themed game fan, which is why i am not going to play this. no other game can i be a fish that flies a spaceship, and i have no desire to be a dwarf, orc, or elf that 20 other mmos have.
WoW sucks, you can keep it ..... of course i hear you have to be an american to play it which sucks for us Brits and other Europeans, so that could have something to do with my opinion so i couldnt play it even if i wanted to