What server is FoU on?
So, uh...do you play? Are you on Radiant?Do you have a name?! Don't keep me in the dark!i have just created a char on radiant yes... i also have a nice char on chimaera, but i will play with you guys more.... euros are boring :oops:doiod play with us!you can join the guild and stuff, and tool around.what is your ingame name? :DOn radiant its Mania Vie'Chuuk, on Chimaera its Galar Gosu, you?http://www.fouclan.com/modules.php?name ... pic&t=8176 :Dallright.. i add u on friendlist then so I'll remmember it ? 

Anyway, good to have ya on board, that is if you're planning to hang around.ya it is... I was inactive for over 7 months because my internet went down (ARGH!!) yes, i will hang around here alot... funny to talk to ya guysglad to see you staying!come make a house near us! We can give you the waypoint, and come join teh our guild! 

Anyway, good to have ya on board, that is if you're planning to hang around.ya it is... I was inactive for over 7 months because my internet went down (ARGH!!) yes, i will hang around here alot... funny to talk to ya guysglad to see you staying!come make a house near us! We can give you the waypoint, and come join teh our guild!
cool man, im a bit tired now, think i go to bed, cya tomorrow then
(u have the wp now?) i can write it down

<FoU> Fate of Unwanted - Corellia Waypoint: 2986, 19, -3691For good measure.Hopefully, when Bob and I decide to get our lazy arses working on the content more, we can get things moving along.I really haven't been around for about two or three weeks, now. Mainly, cos school has been a killer, personal leave, FoU content, and...KotOR/spinWha-what?! What was that...?KotOR calls.... 

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!