Some bugs are random. Like I wasn't able to spawn an Imp for awhile, but today I just spawned one, and sometimes my Diablo spawn works and other times it doesn't.
Yes, Des. No reason to fly off the handle like that.I don't critisize your server, I just want to ask if you have the same problems like me. He's just asking if anyone else has problems. We are all thankful of your server and appreciate the time you took to do it, or people would say it is a waste of time and space. No one is trying to offend you, but I do believe that Taco sees you in a good light. He complains about bugs, but then that also means he believes you can fix them. Everyone just needs to slow down and help me get WoW working.
Was just wondering. If I happen to like this game after playing on Desu's server can I Just pay for the regular one? Will all i have to do is change the file?
I found a bug...I kill something higher than me and get like 4 lvls fuck man cant believe something like that could happen ahahahaha fucking love your server ahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!retail=grinddes server=2 lvl 60 characters in 4 days(total ownage)I am going to kill you kam you better watch your back!!!!!!!!! ahahaha gonna sneak up on ya and let ya have it!You have no fucking clue what grind is until youve played lineage 2. WoW retail is childs play compared to that.