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Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:10 pm
by Jordan
Current Mood: Joking/Playful

Then why is Gramps prancing around shouting that there are more, "FoUstahs"?
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:29 pm
by Darth Bob
Yeah because everyone has to play GWG with sange, pennstate, cir, oh and possibly bloodviper.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:36 am
by Vauce
Vauce, on radiant.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:47 am
by gramps
Then why is Gramps prancing around shouting that there are more, "FoUstahs"?Well I think I used the term foustahs in the wrong sense. I should have said jk2stahs I guess...

And actually at one point there were more FoU. With Anubis, Me, Guesswho, and Shadow.. that would be more.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:58 am
by Jordan
When you posted it, Anus hadn't even mentioned his intentions to go back to SWG.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:17 am
by Darth Bob
man i pwned a jedi today it was the most fun ive ever had in any game ever in all my life nothing ever could be duplicated in any other game or any other server. i was truly grinning from ear to ear with joy.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:06 pm
by Vauce
Here's bob being chased by a stampede of pikets. It's kinda dark. HAhaha also I dueled this spanish guy and he had half health and when I was almost dead I used last ditch to hit him for 2100 damage and incap him, he stood up and was like "Omg how you do me this?!"
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:29 pm
by HobarNintendo
I want this armor

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:38 pm
by gramps
Current Mood: Joking/Playful

Then why is Gramps prancing around shouting that there are more, "FoUstahs"?I don't want to start anything, but let me explain my reasoning for what server I am playing on now.When Guesswho first started talking about playing Star Wars Galaxies again, as a clan, this was when save for Dai, no one played on Radiant. My apologies to Jacen if you were still playing with OMEN or your friends, and I have my facts wrong for that statement. Of course, my account had been banned so it was not like I had anything to go back to, or anything to start from on either Lowca nor Radiant, so that was not a factor to play into what server I chose. The factor was that Guesswho, Hobar, Sithian, Pennstate, possibly Bloodviper (if he saved up enough money - I am only basing that off of what Guesswho had said), and Raun were already on/going to be shortly on the server. At that point in time, there were more "FoUstahs" playing there than on any other server. I think my post later on about how there were more was once Bane, Shadow, and Anubis had posted something about playing (possibly excluding Anubis due to Jordan's post.) At that point in time, Bob and I believe Jacen (see above if I am wrong, and I do apologize if you have been playing this whole time) started again during the double xp week following Patch 17. Then of course at this time, there would be more "FoUstahs" in Radiant. Which is perfectly fine, and I may even start on alternate there, because honestly, I don't want all of this hate between the servers, I just want to play with you guys. That is it. I don't care if I'm on Lowca, Radiant, Ahazi... Starsider wherever. I just want to be with you guys.

So I would really appreciate Jordan if you 1) don't act like I am this cocky arrogant guy who is "prancing" around the Star Wars Galaxies forums just trying to advertise for how sexy Lowca is or something. I have done nothing of the sort, except merely explained my reasoning behind me going Lowca. And, if you read above, I am probably going to make an alternate (maybe a crafter... I've really always wanted to do that, or maybe start Politican again!) for Radiant. I never have "pranced" around saying anything, and I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't refer to me in that sense.

2) Read what I have written above, and consider how all of this is coming from somebody who lost everything due to a dumb mistake by my friends, and how I just want to chill with you guys. I know you may have been "Confused, Joking/Playful" but I don't appreciate when you come into the forums of a game that you no longer play (which you have every right to do so. That is not my point.) and make an attack on me. No h8, and I just want to be playing with you guys.

each and every one of you. Even Bob, who I need to learn internet from.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:23 pm
by Jordan
That's exactly what you were doing, though. Advertising for Lowca.And besides that, of course it was a joke. I'm not really attacking you. I'm attacking illogical statements, and clarifying. I don't play, I can post where I want, and what I want. It's never anything negative about the game, or anything. Next, you're basing that whole statement off a joke -- which says more about your logic there than I could ever type.Second, I don't understand all the server division. I had five characters, all of which I played a bit at some point. The only reason that the powers that be (GW, whom I still love), push for Lowca is because his jedi is there. Everyone ought to play on both, because as it is right now, neither argument for either side really doesn't make sense by the other side.So, I will try to conform to your wishes, (even though I never really stepped out of them, and I would appreciate it if everyone would lighten up.