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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:27 pm
by jacen
yeah all the flaming is a waste of fuckin time. who cares its a server theres like 20 of them. play where you want, just drop all the gay shit, its pissin me off a little bit too.yeah erb the penalty for being killed by a bounty hunter as a jedi in galaxies is pretty hefty. You lose about 200k jedi xp which is equivalent to half of any elite profession. I dont mind being killed in duels, but if one of u guys got my bounty and killed me, id be a little disappointed. :?

Pooper Dan

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:07 pm
by Darth Bob
Maybe I have not been clear enough, but now I will be. This post will explain everything that I feel about the server rift. Now keep in mind GW is not the only one to have played on a second server, but his choice is definately the most prominent and perhaps those others will have something to contribute after this post.Here is why I do not like GW playing on lowca:When GW first bought his jedi, he replied with "I did not want you guys to force me to pvp" when asked about his server choice. This is a very foolish reasoning because back then we did not pvp that much and we would not think of sending in a noobling jedi when clearly gw would be in harm's way. It also shows that GW didn't trust us very much with his jedi and that we would always be wanting to push it to the limits. Even now with Jace's jedi we do not ask much out of him, we assist him in his leveling and protect him from BHs. GW's decision to play on Lowca also brings up another point. I know that GW played on lowca first as simply a BH alt to try it out, and maybe he liked being a BH more or he didn't want to grind out another BH on Radiant, but I am still not sure of why exactly lowca became his home. It clearly became his home before he bought the jedi or else he would not have acquired it there, did GW not like playing SWG with us? Why didn't he confront us with his issues instead of fleeing from them altogether? When the sad, awful, horrible, hideous, terrible mistake of Praxeum was finally killed, why did GW not choose to assist us in finding a new place in the world? Why did he take the easy way out instead of taking the hard road to perhaps find a better outcome? There is more to why GW plays on Lowca than his jedi, he obviously liked it better before he played on it, which makes me feel upset that he did not enjoy his experience with us fousters.Here is why I myself and perhaps the other established radianters do not want to start completely over on a new server.Even with all the items and money we could possibly imagine, playing on lowca would not be an entirely great experience for us radiant players. I am not talking solely about having to grind a new character, but the entire server has a different mood. There are different people, different player cities, different approaches to every day tasks that are just not how we are used to playing. On radiant I have plenty of friends that I can talk to and ask for advice or help, on lowca it seems that my only crutch would be GW, and i would find myself not only dependent on his playtime but it would hinder me when he would not be around. The same is true for GW if he ever wanted to play on Radiant again, it would be very hard to nearly impossible for him to adjust to a completely different environment. Not only that but, the same goes true for myself and other radiant players, but he might not have the desire to put the hours into another character when he has a very well established one still waiting for him.The server rift between the established players can never be fixed. It is as simple as that. But why exactly is there a hubub then?It is because of the new players. Fousters coming to play the game like Gramps and maybe sange, pennstate, cir, and possibly bloodviper, are those who drive this debate. Everyone wants to enjoy a game with their friends, but the problem is that they might not have the desire to grind two characters in two completely different environments, so the two sides toil to claim this gray area of players to convert them, creating established players removes the hatred and passion but creates rather a rivalry, but as long as there are friends of ours who have to pick a side, there will be fighting. No one wants to feel like a friend of theirs does not want to play with them, because clearly each side is a good choice for a new player but they both have their differences.This brings me to my conclusion, the fact that GW played on radiant before is one part that makes this fight so intense, because GW has yet to say clearly why he did not like his play experience on the server, and it also makes me feel disappointed that he has taken an easy way out of a problem rather than confronting it. The second factor is that the new players are torn between friends, but a decision has to be made and each side strives to be the victor, as being the victor will bring friendship and fun to their game.Had GW never played on Radiant before, then I am sure this fight might not be as intense, it would only be about squabbling over confused fousters looking for a home. The fact that GW did play on radiant, but chose to play elsewhere is what makes me feel that I have not been trusted or that GW feels like that the radianters are not up to his standards of quality players, when he never confronted us about his issues.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:24 pm
by ErBSMoKAh
Ok, Heres my response.. lol.No video game is worth reading that much text. I have a friend who's parents got divorced over everquest, fucking everquest. seriously, its a game and its supposed to be fun.. Not OMFG, he did this or she did that.. They arent playing with me omg i think im going to get upset.. blah blah blah who the fuck cares get on with your life! I'm sure Gee Dubs plays where he wants to play because thats where he has the most fun. Why can't anybody just accept that?!