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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:49 pm
by ArchAngel
yeah i read ps3 is supposed to be like a media center just like xbox 360. i think i might get both. not sure about the xbox yet, unless another kotor is in the making for it. but i usually just get playstations just so i can play the ff games, so i'm definitetly getting the ps3.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:40 pm
by Evangelion
It will have backward compatability, and more media options than the X-Box........ Where are you people gettting this info?Yeah Shad is right, the PS3 will have backward compatability with PS2 and PS1 games. It will also be more powerful and have more (if not the same) amount of media options as the Xbox 360.www.gamespot.comVisit that site and look up some info if you're in the dark about the specs for the Xbox 360 and PS3. :P

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:50 pm
by Shadow
In terms of games, Sony has nothing to worry about from X-Box. It has been like this since the beginning of X-Box, and all the third-party companies are not about to jump from Sony to Microsoft. I can make a bet right now with anyone that even with a huge head start, Microsoft will not outsell PS3 after a year from the release of PS3, if not less. What does worry me however, is how Sony is going to go about with the whole online thing this time around. I really liked the X-Box live system (Atleast while they are still not charging for EVERYTHING), and if Sony craps on online gaming again, it will not be so easy of a choice.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:47 pm
by ClowntheRed

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:58 pm
by Shadow
Not too sure anyone is taking Nintendo seriously anymore....... maybe some of the 12 year olds that just love all the Pokemon rehashes they put out.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:14 pm
by Musashi
I think Nintendo are going in the right direction to excell the gaming experience, but the consumers just aren't willing or don't seem ready to try new things.Right now, XBox 360 is getting more media coverage and advertising. Seems Mr Gates doesn't want to lose out to Sony, so he's putting his money in the right places. The XB360 advertising is going to be everywhere very soon and looks to out do anything Sony might have produced. It should help sell the console. But then the thing about the Playstation is that it's a much bigger household name than XBox and doesn't need "bigging up" much. It'd sell well through the fans and word of mouth alone.I think the fans will be happy with whatever they get, as long as they get it. I have a feeling though that the new XB will make a fair bit of money and not any loss like the first installment, but Sony still have it in the bag.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:10 pm
by Darth Bob
Nintendo definately has the best first party games out of the three, but that is also a problem as they have been known since their early days to not have many third parties support them. Their biggest loss was the loss of Rare as a second party, but then again they haven't done shit for Microsoft.Microsoft is completely dependant on its hardware Halo 3, and Live, but that will still sell a lot of units.But as I said, the Xbox will have the higher sales at first because of its earlier release, and as Mus said, Advertising. I've already seen FREE XBOX 360 internet ads and hell Gates was on the cover of Time with it.The PS3 because of its legacy and better support will eventually make it the leader, but if the PS3 goes the way of the PSP then I think it will be in trouble because the PSP is essentially the Xbox of handhelds as the GBA is still the leader because of its games. If the DS developers ever figure out how to make a game, then it will secure its position, but I don't think anyone can figure out how to make a DS game.Whoops I got off topic ok.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:18 pm
by Saurrr!
Not too sure anyone is taking Nintendo seriously anymore....... maybe some of the 12 year olds that just love all the Pokemon rehashes they put out.Zelda! Metroid! Super Smash Bros.! I'll probably end up buying a Revolution or whatever it will be called just to play new Zeldas and Metroid Primes :/

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:17 am
by Serge
The win a PS3 stuff is out too :oops:

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:18 am
by Kamm
[sarcasm] Yeah, because those "WIN A FR33 PS3" ads are real. [/sarcasm]