State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

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Post by ZeligmanZ »

You guys speak about being open minded and not being biased and following what you believe, yet you get all of your facts from left wing sources and state mainly what the left says.Thats not to open-minded.Zero - some of the links I listed were from left-wing sites, but on their site they POSTED THE PRIMARY source material. It is the primary source material that tells the story, not the verbal diahrreah of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Fox News.MSNBC is definitely a "real network" meaning that they work hard to present things in either an unbiased or balanced way. Fox news is NOT. EVERYTHING they do is right-wing.Again, your opinion that the media is "left-wing" comes from the yapping and lying entertainers in "Right Wing World." THEY LIE. What happens when the regular news reports something OPPOSITE to what the current administration says, they are labeled left-wing. What they should be called is the TRUTH TELLERS.Zero, time and time again this administration has lied, manipulated the people, and broken the law to pursue their agenda.We can disagree on our agendas, but lying and breaking the law are NOT ok... by EITHER party.The right wing screamed for impeachment of BIll Clinton for lying under oath (about gettin a blow job).What about Bush lying (and we know he did - it was purposeful and with intent) about the existence of WMD. While I might be a liberal in philosophy and practice, it doesn't mean that I'm not open-minded. One of my favorite potential candidates for the next election is John McCain. I think he respects the truth and tells the truth. When there is a difference of opinion he says it, and respects both sides for having the difference. What I really hate and rail against is all the lies that soundbytes give you... and that you and Des and others have just repeated b/c the Bush campaign said them so much that they are accepted as truth.That is what the Nazis discovered about propaganda: say it enough with enough authority and people will believe it... no matter what.I hope that next time around, you will look for more sources than Fox Entertainment Corporation.<3-Z
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
Posts: 4525
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by tiberius »

i state what logic and reason tells me based on the facts....not on something i hear on rightwing or leftwing anything. But first you must have the facts and you will never get those from the bullshit you listen to enna. ever.the rightwing calls all media leftwing since it doesnt spew out the propoganda the way the rightwing media does. most news reports are not slanted one way or the other, they simply report the news. the right interprets that as biased...... :roll: :roll: :roll: one of the fucking dumbest men ever to walk this earth.....
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
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