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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:31 pm
by yoda-wan
General Concepts 102: Lesson 1CaulkNow that you have a basic understanding of all things Radiant, it's time to add the things that make your map play well and make it easier for you to design what you want to design.First of all, in General Concepts 101, you learned to use the Hollow Tool to build a room. Never use this tool again. (:The Hollow Tool is an inefficient shortcut to building a room, just like CSG Subtract is a seriously flawed shortcut to making doorways. First, let's look at why.In Radiant, when you hollow out a room, you end up with six brushes that overlap each other at all the edges of your room. While this might not seem like a major problem, trust me, it is. Here is an example of where two brushes meet in a hollowed-out room:See how the two brushes overlap each other? This is a bad practice - any two brushes in your map that overlap each other can cause a visual problem called "Z-fighting." This occurs in your map where two brushes compete to see which is seen by the player (you) at any one time.It is also important to note that the JK2 engine must unnecessarily draw the surfaces that are hidden from your eyes. Even though in the game, you yourself can't see that surface, the engine doesn't realize that and draws them anyway. This uses processor and video card cycles that are better spent drawing the rest of your (visible) map.To remedy the situation, we must first build a room from scratch. Open up a new map in Radiant. Draw a brush that will be the first side of your room. For this tutorial, we want the entire room to end up being 768x768x768, so draw brush to be a wall of your room that is 768x16x768. You'll understand why in a few minutes.Next, duplicate the brush you're working on (Space Bar), rotate it (Z-Rotate Button) and fit it into the other brush. Repeat this for the four sides of the room. You should end up with these types of corners connecting the four walls of your new room:Next, draw a brush the full width and height of the inside area of your room. In this case, it will be 768x768x16 (all of our walls are 16 units thick). Set this brush right on top of the opening. Make sure no surfaces overlap each other. It should be set on top like this:Make sure all the edges line up! If not, when you compile you'll have a leak. A leak is a place in your map where the "inside" areas open up to the void. This can make your compile times incredibly long and create a strange effect called an HOM Effect, or Hall of Mirrors Effect. An HOM is caused when the JK2 engine doesn't know what texture to draw in your view. Thus, it draws whatever was last in that place on your screen. Effectively, it copies the last seen image over and over and over again - thus a "Hall of Mirrors."Having done this, go ahead and make your map playable (add an info_player_start and one light entity) as we will be using this for the rest of GC102. Save this map as secondmap.mapNow look at your newly created room... not bad, eh? WRONG! Look at all those textures displaying out into the void! That is wasted video memory that can eventually, with a few more rooms, cause unnecessary video lag and a drop in framerate. Thus, we need something called Caulk.Caulk is actually what's called a shader - the specifics of which we'll get to later. All shaders appear in your Texture Browser just like regular textures, except they have a white line around them. Load the system texture set. You will notice a large pink square with the words "Caulk" on it.There are two stock Caulk shaders: system/caulk and system/caulk_nonsolid. We will be using only system/caulk for reasons that will become obvious quite a bit later.Put the camera in the center of your room and select (Shift+Click) all six brushes. Apply system/caulk to them. Then select only the faces and apply the texture you want to them... Thus your brush should look like the left picture from the outside and like the right picture from the inside. Ugly from the outside, isn't it? Well get used it. (: You should build all your brushes in caulk first, and THEN apply textures to all the faces (Ctrl+Shift+Click each face) that the player can see from wherever they might go in the game. Caulk should not only be used on the outside of brushes - it should also be used, for example, on the top of a brush that the player will never be able to see while they're playing. In the game, if the player does happen to see where you placed caulk, it will be completely invisible (you will be able to see the brushes behind the caulk).Ample and appropriate use of caulk in this manner insures that your map will play at the maximum framerate it can be played at, making the absolute most enjoyable experience for the absolute largest number of players.It is also extremely important to use caulk to avoid a visual effect called "sparklies." Sparklies can occur wherever two brushes meet and there is a textured surface on either side. The solution to this is caulk! With system/caulk on both sides of the brushes that touch each other, there will be nothing to worry about.First Lesson | Previous Lesson | Next Lesson

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:34 pm
by yoda-wan
MainConstitutionServersMembersCalenderJoinDownloadsForumStoreLinksAdmin CTF 03/26/03 it starts go get that flag and bring it home men posted by hazeljedi Duel room 03/26/03 Duel rooms map pac has been updated, dont sit threw the download via game get it today in our download section posted by hazeljedi THIS IS A MUST READ 03/25/03 Whelp it finely happen, I knew it would but I didn’t think it would this soon. An outside company contacted me about the purchse of wov and all its servers and logo’s and ect. They have offered me a very handsome price for the lot also. What they want to do with it is outstanding and I was looking heavily into there offer. If I decide to take them up on it you might see a dramatic change in the web site over the next week or so around the month of April. They also have asked me not to mention the name of there company but said it would be ok to give this out about them. They in no way shape or form will ever kill off what wov has got now ect for a slight change in the name, for some reson they want the SGI at the end of it. Well all in all I have not decided to go threw with this yet and all members will be notified about any changes in ownership within the next week or so. Thanks again wovs posted by hazeljedi Tribute to shroom duck 01/22/03 WoV has now brought up a new ffa room as a tribute to one of the greats in jk2 history. i will be a ffa and will be up and running now 24/7, as a thank you to one of the best maps makers in JK2 history. From all of us to you shroom, thanks for the memorys posted by hazeljedi Heres the deal guys 01/10/03 I’m so sick and tired of this CRAP I here this time and time and time again from many different clans. Ive seen this happen now to four other clans being pushed out of the game because some other players think there no worthy of playing this game. Well I got news for them you are. Here is the message I got form another clan being threatened like we are every day we breathI have just had a threat of destruction put on my clan from BOTF I’m not sure what I should do here, I don’t want to loose my clan, so I’m looking for my friends and clan allies to help me fight against this. Would you be up for that? StuGuys its time to stand up for your rights. People say were communistic and I totally disagree with them all, if anything they are. They constantly do this time and time again and think they can get away with it. Strike back guys; stand up for your own rights. They say were taken this game way to seriously but in the background the pull this CRAP. It’s very two faced. Stand up and do something about this write twl tell em what you think about these clans going around bulling other clans posted by hazeljedi Everyone Join TWL 01/07/03 If you want to fight in matches then you have to sign up @ TWL If you dont sign up you cant play the instructions on how to join TWL are here Click ME! posted by padawn On the 7th 01/07/03 well it was a great little vacation i had and i hope you all had the same. but the holidays are over and now its time to get back to work. The mouse pads are on the way guys i sent em all yesterday so you should be reciving them in about 5-10 days. Great news about the TwL matches, Im sure will do fine in them. posted by hazeljedi New Mod in Valhala 12/31/02 Welp its a new year that means new Fun in valhala, I have put up Omni mod in valhala, and for the next few days will be tweeking it here and there. post and sugestions at the forams in the servers section and ill be happy to take inputs on settings. Enjoy and Happy newyear WoV's posted by hazeljedi What hazel got for xmass 12/24/02 wow so i wake up and check my stocking to see what santa brings me and this is what i get posted by Hazeljedi Merry Freekin Xmass 12/24/02 well it has come to that time of year when all good wovs look up to the sky to see if the Haze will vist there house's this year for a xmass gift. Well have i not given you enoff. lol JK. heres my gift from now today till this friday 12/27/02 if you request the mouse pad i will snd it to you no charge limit one per person. From Hazels family to yours, a merry Freekin Xmass posted by hazeljedi WoV Meeting 12/11/02 Meeting in jk2 please come and check it out ok. this is your chance to give inputHazeljedi wil be there at the JK2 Valhala at 7pm CST on the 14th of December in the year 2002 posted by hazeljedi Roger Wilco 12/10/02 WoV gets its own Roger Wilco station thats right guys now you can talk to each other live while in the game (realy helps with the matches) in wovs roger wilco station.heres the com port for roger wilco209.81.147.225:3783 posted by hazeljedi ok SO ARE YOU CONFUSED YET 11/13/02 ok so after days of complants about MOH and the way there members treated some WoVs and now the nail in the coffin, thats right they recurt Vic. i called the deal off i will shortly change all passwords again and wov is pure again. sorry for the mix up WoV's i tried to make it larger faster but now its just going to take more time. I respect Mike from MoH and what he tried to do but i cant have this destroy our great clan so in turn this gets thrown on you now so get out there and start recurting guys posted by hazeljedi The Haze 11/11/02 well you all wanted to know whom i am and dont belive me when i say my pic is on my skin so here i am all your all welcome and thank you all for makeing wov what it is today posted by hazeljedi Jax is back 11/02/02 Well people, Jaxar is back to help out with the rebuilding of WoV JK2 division. posted by Jaxar Design and Content produced by Zist Design Group.ZistDesigns © (copywrite) Zist Design Group 2002

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:35 pm
by yoda-wan

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:35 pm
by yoda-wan

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:35 pm
by yoda-wan
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:36 pm
by yoda-wan

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:36 pm
by yoda-wan
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:37 pm
by yoda-wan
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:38 pm
by yoda-wan
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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:38 pm
by yoda-wan
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