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Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:12 am
by LittleWask
yeah i'm thinking about buying a PS3. besides, what do I need two kidneys and lungs for? fucking waste of space is what it is.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:37 am
by Snape
It's a bit too soon to judge the Wii or the PS3 considering how long they've been out but here goes...360 - Still unimpressed. My friend has also had the 'red circle of death' a couple of times and had to get it replaced. The only game that has really stood out for me is Gears of War but that was waaaaay too short. Probably the best controller and Live system of the 3 and the dashboard is groovy. A lack of decent games, system problems and overpricing stop me from getting one of these.Wii - I like it but I'm not going out of my way to make love to it like pretty much everyone I know. Red Steel was poo, Wii Sports is a lot of fun as long as you have friends to play it with and Zelda looks awesome. Nintendo cleverly realised that games are supposed to be fun rather than nice to look at and the price tag will always give it an edge over the other two. I agree with Blood though, the war will always be between the 360 and the PS3 as next-gen consoles. I'll probably get one of these for Christmas but it's more a system I'll dig out when friends come over than something I'll play constantly or when I'm on my own.PS3 - Can't really comment on this as it isn't out over here but it sounds very similar in spec to the 360. I prefer the media used by the PS3, the HD is a lot bigger and the online service is free. The 360 online service is better though. Looking at upcoming titles, PS3 definitely takes it for me since the games coming out are much more to my liking. The price tag is a real downside, although with the media it supports... CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray, PS1 & PS2 games etc. it more than makes up for it.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:55 pm
by ReDWasK
i still think the winner of the movie/media format war, blu-ray and HD-DVD, will be the deciding factor in the console war

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:15 pm
by Step
steps new macbook pro > allbut anyway, i might go for the PS3 when price drops, no real interests in consoles except playing final fantasy and metal gear solid

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:10 pm
by Spyke
steps new macbook pro > allbut anyway, i might go for the PS3 when price drops, no real interests in consoles except playing final fantasy and metal gear solidword!

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:42 pm
by Anubis
i still think the winner of the movie/media format war, blu-ray and HD-DVD, will be the deciding factor in the console wari dont. lets say blu ray wins. most ppl will then buy a ps3 cause its a cheap player. thats all.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:42 pm
by ReDWasK
i shouldnt say deciding factor, plus, by the time one media format comes on top there will already be a large user base for both, but when people who have neither are choosing a console to buy, (and they've likely come down in price by then) i'd imagine that they'd pick the one that plays the format of movies that is more available.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:14 pm
by DesuMacchi
This will be just like the years past.Sony on top as always - free online play- free internet browsing.Xbox 2nd - good graphics, only a handful of good titles.Nintendo always last - always a generation behind. The Wii should've been released when the PS2 and Xbox were released.It will always be this way.2 - 3 years from now, the stats will show this correct.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 5:08 am
by HobarNintendo
I thought the 360 were getting most PS3 claimed exclusives? I dont really research this crap anymore...I do know the DS is totally destroying...if you can compare that to the PSP...well we'll see.P.S. DQIX anyone?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:06 am
by LittleWask
Yeah Hobar, the only guaranteed exclusive big title right now is FFXIII and all the other whore-children of FFXIII. But Squeenix has turned into such product pimps now (pimps in the bad way, not the cool way) that I'm not even interested in touching any of their crap now, lest by seeing me purchase something of theirs they decide to utterly rape that franchise, too. Whores, I say. Point is, even Metal Gear Solid 4 is likely to see the glory of 360.Oh, and Luke, problem is that the 360 doesn't come with an HDD drive, you have to drop 200 bones for it. So less people would buy a 360 if HDD wins than people who would buy PS3 if Blu-Ray wins.Console Synopsis:360: Graphics will stay in the same league as the PS3, which is good for Microsoft. The controllers are well made, work well wirelessly. Glitches, yeah, but that's not all that rare (cough ps3 cough) and the games are alright at the moment. There's enough exclusives to keep the system worth owning (Dead Rising, Gears of War). Oh, and Halo 3. 'Nuff said.PS3: Sweet graphics, interesting controller (WTF NO RUMBLE!) and lots of multimedia. blu-ray player is cool to have. Games I think are a little weaker than 360 right now, because Sony is losing alot of exclusives, and will be losing more yet, supposedly. I work at a video store, and we've had two people come in that already own PS3, and one of them has told us that his system has already froze on him. Pricy. No Halo 3 either. That's bad.Wii: Cool interface, it's fun to say Wiimote. System is cheap, which is also nice. Exclusives rock your face, including Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. Haven't heard many complaints, save of people chucking their wiimotes around. Virtual Console will rock in a year, once they've got a library there (Lufia, I shall play you again yet!). The real genius of this system is that Nintendo isn't losing money to produce them. Microsoft and Sony both lose money every time they sell a system. Nintendo gains money. In three years from now, when Microsoft and Sony are finally refining production so that they may actually make some money off a console, Nintendo will be so good at it that they'll be making lots of money, which means more money to develop more games. This is why I think the Wii will take off. That, plus even my 50 year old dad who hates electronics wants to play the Wii. It appeals to lots of people.Personally, I'd like to buy a 360. Halorgasm and Live with ReD would be cool. But Wii rocks too. PS3 rocks also, but in a special way. I love you all.Hi ReD :D