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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:51 am
by KingJames
duel weilding warriors are little girls.hey fuck you buddy!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:51 am
by Vauce
Naturally, your ret pally spec is disgusting. :D It's pretty obvious you've never played one. Seal of Crusader is amazing, and I definately reccomend both talents for it. Also, imp BoM is balls compared to 15% less mana cost. Here's one i've used: thing about Aura Mastery is that people you heal have to be within 40 yards, and aura mastery pushes the range of your auras to 40 yards. So if you can heal em, they get your aura.One thing i've found interesting is that warlocks who pvp always go destruction with affliction. Sure that's fine, but when the bulk of their damage is coming from their DoTs and the draining of health, I don't see why they bother with the 5% extra shadow bolt crits. Yea nightfall is nice, but I hate to depend on procs. Why not try affliction with some demon talents? Like your succubus, more CC that is healthy. Throw a fear on the player, if they use something to get out of it, the succy's seduce will last through it with the talent. Lookie: ... cbWarlocks have a pet for a reason... Succy is amazingly underrated.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:32 pm
by GuessWho17
Naturally, your ret pally spec is disgusting. :D It's pretty obvious you've never played one. Seal of Crusader is amazing, and I definately reccomend both talents for it. Also, imp BoM is balls compared to 15% less mana cost. Here's one i've used: thing about Aura Mastery is that people you heal have to be within 40 yards, and aura mastery pushes the range of your auras to 40 yards. So if you can heal em, they get your aura.One thing i've found interesting is that warlocks who pvp always go destruction with affliction. Sure that's fine, but when the bulk of their damage is coming from their DoTs and the draining of health, I don't see why they bother with the 5% extra shadow bolt crits. Yea nightfall is nice, but I hate to depend on procs. Why not try affliction with some demon talents? Like your succubus, more CC that is healthy. Throw a fear on the player, if they use something to get out of it, the succy's seduce will last through it with the talent. Lookie: ... cbWarlocks have a pet for a reason... Succy is amazingly underrated.Hey now, I don't know about all that! The 5% parry go a long ways, and it looks like the main change in your build is the attack power bonus to the mana cost on judgements, which I agree on after doing some reading. Otherwise, it just looks like you replaced parry with imp crusader and crusade talent, along with the speed bonus talent with eye for an eye. The only thing I'm unsure of is if its worth giving up illumination in holy for the improved crusader? From what I see improved crusader's judgement causes +15% more holy damage and 3% crit with the 6 talents right? Personally I think the entire Imp Crusader. stuff is all PvE things, you just don't have the time or mana in an arena or open PvP for crusader. Eye for an eye is a pretty decent talent, but more situational and is only so so. Depends if you able to get an enchant for run speed, and if you are, pass the speed talent like you did. Basically both our builds work, except for the tier 1 in ret which I will change on my build right now.In the end though, you can't say I did TERRIBLE on the build, since I still was pretty darn close considering I've never had a pally! Hell, 80% of these builds are so debatable that both our builds work completely fine! Maybe its just me, but the way you said it you make it sound like I'm a complete failure which I really don't think I am :(To add onto your build of warlocks, I think it also is because they grab shadowburn also with the build by going into destro, along with the shadowbolt as you said.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:50 pm
by Vauce
Yea, I guess you're not a COMPLETE failure. I WAS pretty tired when I wrote that. :PBut my heals never crit in my ret gear, and I hate talents that depend on procs/crit. Just preference.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:55 pm
by GuessWho17
Yea, I guess you're not a COMPLETE failure. I WAS pretty tired when I wrote that. :PBut my heals never crit in my ret gear, and I hate talents that depend on procs/crit. Just preference.Reread it though, I edited it and I would like to see what you think exactly on imp seal of the crusader as far as pvp goes.Basically from what I understand is the big thing of our two builds is Illumination versus Imp crusader, both which do great in PvE but are two different roles (dps and healing.) As far as PvP goes I cannot say much for either of the talents, but I do know talents like imp crusader strike (just like warriors get blood frenzy) are mostly designed for PvE.If your a guy who doesn't like procs then I guess the safe bet is imp crusader.