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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:39 am
by Snape
Jesus f***ing christ all this over a god damn post count?! :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:16 pm
by Snape
I'm unlocking this until it has properly been resolved. It may cause arguments but I want to know what is really going on here.Munchie - I do believe this should've been posted in the FoUsters Corner not the General board. In fact, to be honest it should have been talked out privately between the two parties involved. However please do not involve yourself in matters that do not concern you. Suggesting to Vash to quit this clan was a shitty thing to do - hell I don't think you or ReD are sexist or racist but you don't see my advising you both to leave JotR do you?Vash - I know there is more to this than just a post count. But this isn't the way to resolve things. If you want to leave because that's really what you want to do then I guess I can understand that, but not like this. See my PM's to you, I really hope they clear things up.ReD - nice story.In future I'd prefer it if topics were only locked or moved if they contain serious spam, racism, hardcore nudity (just move them to my personal folder and I'll errr.. take care of it!) or similar. I know some of them may lead onto flaming but it can be even more frustrating not being able to have your say - I'd like to think this was a place were you can express your opinions no matter what they are.This whole thing could've been avoided had it been addressed in the right way. I hope it can be resolved in a more reasonable manner....:baa:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:37 pm
by Jove
Snape = GfJust a clarification tho, Munchie was just informing everyone that Vash quit, not soliciting him to do so.That is, if you're talking about where he said "dudes, Vash just quit FoU." If you're referring to something else I kill him 3x. Gf

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:53 pm
by Spyke
Ok I am going to say a couple things since I know him and hes my freind. First, he said that there were alot of things that made him quit other than just a stupid poll count. Second he was imapred last night when this all happend, so he was thinking to clearly and took it to a higher level that needed. There might be some way to resolve it, but knowing him , i dont know if he will come back. When he says something it stays that way, and he usally never changes his mind. Unless these problems change within fou that are rumored, (i know nothing of them) then i dont think hell come back. It would be nice for him to stay, but its a tuffie. I dont know the true reason why he really quit. He was unstable and wouldnt tell me. So, with that said, no hard feelings to anyone, and i still like fou. And i dont know if he will post on these boards again....we shall see....

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:09 pm
by Snape
Ok the issue has been addressed and is being resolved. Vash is staying in FoU and I believe that he and Desu are sorting their problems out in private, which is how it should have been done from the beginning. :idea: Leg humping all round!!!:baa:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:13 pm
by Gemz
why dont both of u just shut the fuck up! ur both in the same clan why u bein like this for theres no need for it!!! QUIT BITCHIN! :mad:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:31 pm
by Jove
why dont both of u just shut the fuck up! ur both in the same clan why u bein like this for theres no need for it!!! QUIT BITCHIN! :mad:Gemzie I love you. How's your sister :naughty:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:34 pm
by Gemz
why dont both of u just shut the fuck up! ur both in the same clan why u bein like this for theres no need for it!!! QUIT BITCHIN! :mad:Gemzie I love you. How's your sister :naughty:u lil shit!!! stfu!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:40 pm
by Anubis
ok how r you :naughty:

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:47 pm
by FailedMunchkin
I never even told him to quit, he came to me and told that.On a lighter note, my dog just died... on halloween... I don't think I'm going out tonight...