To all FoU

Talk about anything SWG related here
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Post by 7UpYours! »

Well *Whistles Innocently* is mine bish
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Post by Anubis »

*nudge nudge wink wink*we had this worked out since u left for so long u left the bind to me to carry on!!!bsides i have no capitalisms
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Post by Cypher »
Terras Kasi
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Post by Terras Kasi »

lolim curious about this crap... this is a VIDEO GAME ( no offense to anyone )but you guys are taking it a tad too serious and isnt there an ingame GM or sony employee who can ban him for improper behavior ??? i have never met the guy, so i dont care , but what i have to say is that most crap about people are rumors most of them are playing the game for what it is ( a roleplaying game) he role plays a thief cheat and liar. and he seems to be doing a very good job from what i have read by your message... but in any case if he is a friend of juggy's then he is cool with me :P now back to playing call of duty ...
~Pwner of Cypher
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Post by Juggalo »

but in any case if he is a friend of juggy's then he is cool with me :P ... :werd:
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Post by Cypher »

Gen is the mang.
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Post by Jordan »

Jordan is the mang. :bunny:
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

terras you kokc get back in SWG. without it you'd be a noob running around with a pair of scissors in the basement of the house half a block down the street from jerry's bait shop.
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Re: To all FoU

Post by Vauce »

THIS IS AN IN-GAME EMAIL I SENT TO SNAPE BUT HE HAS NOT RESPONDED SO I AM POSTING IT HERE.> > Snape, > > I have known you for a very long time and have kept in contact with you and many other members of FoU. While I regret not joining you all I am also glad I did not. I have nothing against you or FoU but I (and everyone else) hates Genesis. He has cursed at people, lied, tricked, and just been a plain a$$hole to everyone. > > I know that Cypher and others have known Genesis for awhile but they do not know him like many others do. He has harrased people to the point of leaving the game. He has placed houses outside our city limits so that our city will expand over it, messing up our whole city plan. He has been banned from serveral cities on Tat including ours, Mos Krayt (now Mos Malas). I witnessed him being banned from Mos Krayt, as soon as he stepped off this shuttleport he was warned and banned from the city. He will not remove his houses from our city limits and imperial guilds have been hired to attack and members of his city on site and in return have been promised not to be attacked. We have recieved word that Rage is still and city and houses will be placed around the area so that when his city expands he will have houses, extractors, etc in the way to keep him from building out. He will be recieving harrasment for the rest of his life while he is still apart of this game. He will be banned from city after city not only on Tat but on other planets. This is a serious matter. He has pyst off so many people this is what will happen if he does not remove his houses from our area and start treating others with respect instead of harrasing them over the smallest thing. He has accused people of stealing, lieing, and also accused one of his own members of stealing a statue that he gave to her (<--- Still being confirmed). If he does not remove his houses we will pay you and your guild a large sum of money to move to our guild or simply move out. We are not asking this because we need people, we are asking because he has harrased so many people that this is what he has asked for. We are currently a Metropolis and have plenty of room to spare. We will set out an area for you and everyone else in FoU if you do with to move in with us. Genesis can't even hire people to move into his city, he has to use tricks and lies to do so. Please, I beg you to move out or help us. > > > -Hamo- > Warrant officer I > > Now he is selling his "Embassy" which he placed in our city illegally to Malas who has been attacking out bases almost everyday. Today we counter-attacked and we demolished them. Just a little more info for us true rebels (unlikes Genesis)Genesis has sent his replies to e-mails from FFers to me and cypher and im not sure who else... But by reading them it seems that FF has been "hiring" people to harrass genesis because of that damn embassy. Most of us ARE rebel, and FF is just a pain in the ass from what I can see. Just drop it kids, it's one large tatooine house in a whole city.
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Post by Shu07 »

get 'em!
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