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Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:29 am
by Jordan
I truly believe it's time for some more tales from Grumpy.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:42 am
by Crash
Grumpy is Challenged to a DuelGrumpy had already finished restocking the vendors, he was on his second refreshment..and getting more entertaining with every passing minute..he already had his Fishmaster 30000000 and travel pack of bait, and was headed down to the Coronet streams as they were close and most inviting!He had barely gotten his feet wet when his gf/business partner told him she was headed to Holocron planet to see one of her "friend's" new player cities. Grumpy tried to dismiss her from his computer area with a wave of his hand and a "yaya, have fun". (please dont say he should come too, please dont say he should come too, please dont say...) But she did.So he agreed. Under duress. He was promised that it was close to a starport and next to water. And he didn't have to do any talking to this "friend". What's her name anyhow?AHA! Apparently this "friend" was a man. Grumpy became immediately suspicious. Obviously this yo dawg homey was trying to move in on Grumpy's territory and possibly steal some of the architectural empire for himself, dirty bastage. Grumpy put away the Fishmaster 30000000 and /burstrun to the starport only to arrive....12 seconds after the starship left.After fixing a fresh bourbon and dodging multiple requests at the starport to build 10 BER medium miners RIGHT HERE AND NOW, kthx m8, (yo dawg, show Grumpy the money then he'll haul out the craft droid) the starship finally arrived and spit him out on Holocron planet.What a den of thieves that is. LFG this, LFG that, buying this, selling that, yo yo u want some spice, me buff you long time. Hey bro, hook a brudda up with some phat credits?Grumpy tried adopting a blank look on his face so as not to make eye contact with anyone. Actually, he always has a blank look on his face.... He couldn't exactly burstrun away either, might need that bad boy to get through all the red and angry mobs they have on that god-forsaken planet. And, Grumpy thought it was no coincidence that he had been given very vague directions to this Sin City, obviously so his gf and her new lover could have some "alone time".After quite a few false starts, missteps and one burstrun, he finally arrived at the Utopia for Cheating GFs and Their Illicit Cyber Lovers. As if this whole excursion couldn't get any worse, it turns out her new bf was a flaming, rabid, no hiding it, **edit** proud of it.......ROLEPLAYER! His greeting...Hail and well met, my good fellow, Welcome to our little corner of the galaxy we call ((Name Withheld to Protect the Evil and Immoral)). He threw in a few bows and salutes to make his little speech even more annoying.To which, Grumpy replied...hey.Her future husband then showed them all around the town, pointing out with dozens of animations all the buildings that needed free furniture. NOW...BEFORE HE LOGS OFF!! Grumpy baited his fishing pole right in the smug bastage's face and asked if there was any water around the town. Satan pointed out the closest fishing hole and then had the nerve to say...You know Grumpy, I fancy myself something of a master fisherman, myself.../bow /salute /flourish /dance. Grumpy figured he probably fancied alot of stuff.Grumpy explained to him that Grumpy had the Fishmaster 3000000 LIMITED EDITION, and not just any ordinary fishing pole. (Actually, this was a lie, Grumpy doesn't think the dude made any limited editions, and altho his name escapes Grumpy at this moment, if that crafter would make a Fishmaster 30Billion LIMITED EDITION, Grumpy would be the first in line to buy one.)It seemed Grumpy's new arch enemy wanted a fishing duel, 15 minutes, the most filets was to be declared the winner. Grumpy can filet fish, can't he??? Grumpy wanted to punch the blank stare off his Master Image-Designed face. They both set up on shore, baited their poles and cast. Grumpy's bobber was a spam of +Catch+ +Catch+ +Catch+...the cyber lover's bobber only put a few hopeful +Nibble+ +Nibble+ +GiveUpNowNoob+.Needless to say, Grumpy won handily, altho Satan did accuse Grumpy of CHEATING because of Grumpy's super-secret fishing technique, which he MIGHT share with his readers some day.Soon thereafter, they bid Lucifer a fond farewell (Grumpy's farewell was not so fond and he used a word IRL about sucking his credit, he did wish The Dark Lord a nice time in Hell and was willing to give him directions in case he got lost), they ran back to the starport and left Holocron planet and the den of thieves. Grumpy asked his gf later if she wanted to move to the Town for Illicit Cyber Lovers. She told him...nah, turns out he just wanted you to make furniture and city buildings for them.Gee...ya think?The Grumpy Master Architect

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:50 am
by Jordan
Oh my gosh, YES!You're the best, Crash!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:13 pm
by yoda-wan
Grumpy Effing POWNES

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:14 pm
by Darth Bob
Grumpy Effing POWNESYou don't even know who he is.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:20 pm
by yoda-wan
No, but hes hillarious.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:36 pm
by Jordan
I wish that Grumpy really did play SWG. That would be my dream come true.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:07 pm
by Crash
me and grumpy are best buddies :D

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:46 am
by gramps
me and grumpy are best buddies :Ddo you really know him lol?! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:50 am
by Crash
no not really :(