Story of the day thread
- Posts: 1835
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
harr harr harrr went overt imp for pvp after i earned 150k with buffsi saw some noob that ran away from a imperial base to mos eisley so i followed him..killed his swoop and got his mind at 100 when suddenly a jedi overt reb appeared and incapacitated me
the jedi left,the reb ran away and i said to the jediGood Fightend of story-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

harr harr harrr went overt imp for pvp after i earned 150k with buffsi saw some noob that ran away from a imperial base to mos eisley so i followed him..killed his swoop and got his mind at 100 when suddenly a jedi overt reb appeared and incapacitated me
the jedi left,the reb ran away and i said to the jediGood Fightend of story-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-That's a good story. For real.I would have said, "gf" instead of "good fight", and bowed to them.

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
here is a very odd taledai and i were doing his mission of kill 30 tier 5 ties, and well near the end we manage to get into a spot of kessel where there happen to be seizure inducing flashes, i tried to capture them as best as i could but the yellow and blue drove me to insanity because it was very funny and at the same time, headache inducing.if kessel had still been pvp this area of flashing would have been a good spot to make someone get off your tail. especially if they were epilleptic. in another weird note, a corvette spawned around the same area of the flashes. i dunno if it was a mission or what but luckily it stayed away from us.also notice how i turned off my cockpit 

- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- Posts: 1835
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
harr harr harrr went overt imp for pvp after i earned 150k with buffsi saw some noob that ran away from a imperial base to mos eisley so i followed him..killed his swoop and got his mind at 100 when suddenly a jedi overt reb appeared and incapacitated me
the jedi left,the reb ran away and i said to the jediGood Fightend of story-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-That's a good story. For real.I would have said, "gf" instead of "good fight", and bowed to them.well i couldnt bow when incapacitated and when i got up they went already away

last night i was flying around tat killing tier one ships for the easy loot in my z-95, which i keep unnamed. suddenly i see this tie flying towards me, which is another player. so im like whatever and i keep on killing. he joins in, and after a while he targets me and fires a load. im like lol wtf and i start messing around with him (ex, stoping, turning around and looking att him, then flying right through him) so we keep on doing this for ages. then i stop and and im like hi! the guy goes mad and starts the &#$@$!# best he can, and im just like bye ^^ and fly off and kill more huts. my story of.. yesterday. cracked me up though that he didnt bother seeing if he hurt me or not 

- Posts: 1835
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- Posts: 1835
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm