State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

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Post by Snape »

Jaina get's all her knowledge from South Park. :wink: I'll say this one more time, state your opinions but don't insult others for expressing theirs if they happen to differ from your own. I never lock threads unless I absolutely have to and this one is heading down that road.Mus, I'll be coming for you soon. SOON BITCH!
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

I can't debate on this website, not even with the school teacher without getting immature responses and insults. Way to uphold my views of the education system Z. And yes tib, I am "mr. smartypants". So to hell with what I have to say, obviosuly disagreeing with anyone, even though I told you that I did not look at "The State of the Union" adress is a crime on this website. Grow the fuck up.Actually, I considered writing a point by point refutation of your post, but instead I'll let your own words do it for me.When you complain about about immature responses and insults in my post that had facts and sources, and that encourages you to think for yourself, your final words are:"grow the fuck up." :oops:P.S. the only crime is that you can't think for yourself. READ AND LEARN Vauce - from BOTH sides.P.P.S. Sorry Snape, couldn't leave this hanging.
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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Post by tiberius »

Sorry, snapey dearest, but i take this very particular issue very seriously. our country is going to hell in a handbasket, specifically because of ppl like enna and vauce who think in platitudes and/or slogans, and r obviously suseptible to easy manipulation by the rightwingnuts. For god's sake 51% of the US think its okay if this nazi government spies on us. How fucking insane is that?? 40+ % still think Saddam Hussein was behind the 911 attack on the World Trade Centers...........notice if you will, that neither vauce or enna, or taco for that matter refuted one statement of fact that i posited. They speak in slogans. Bush is the right man......blah blah blah..So what if the psycho sob is acting as if he is a dictator, rather than an elected official of the us government........they could care less. Hey, as long as he "says" he is protecting us from terrorists, they are happy lil clams, ......apparently it means nothing to ppl like this if he is breaking laws left and right. laws which he swore to uphold and defend. Too damn bad he isnt getting blowjobs in the Oval god then we could impeach the sob!!! What is so fucking disheartening is that so many ppl r incapable of thinking for themselves. All they can do is repeat the nazi propoganda the GOP think machine has spoon fed them.
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Post by Step »

tib for presidento or queen
{FoU} Step
- Fate of Unwanted

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Post by Musashi »

Queen, definatly Queen.
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Post by Bane »

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Post by DesuMacchi »

it doesnt matter who is in office, it really doesn't.we will all get fucked the same exact way. the sooner all you bitches realize that the easier life will be for you.your stressing over something you yourself can't change - no one gives a shit - its never gonna get any better. im just glad I didn't have to stare at Kerry's big ugly mug for 4 years and his ugly ass wife and just stay bent over and use plenty of Vasaline daily and all we will be just peachy.
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Post by ReDWasK »

lol i love these debateswhat kills me is some of the responses regarding the patriot act, taco, About the Patriot act, people are freaking out over pretty much nothing. The average American doesn't have to worry about the Government watching themone, maybe you'll never be effected, but it is still affecting citizens of your country, which you should care aboutalso, it unlocks and opens up back doors, since now they can do this, if they're suspect you of terrorism and find you have a marijuana plantation in your basement, can they prosecute you on that? and so on, you can see where that leadsand good ole desu i miss your manly voice, but that's a shitty attitude to have, bend over and take it from the government, no it really sounds like your living under a dictatorshipi'm not gonna blow canada's horn, we have our problems, and i'll say i love america...sometimes, but mainly for vacationing, because staying there for long periods of time scares the fuck out of me
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Post by DesuMacchi »

and good ole desu i miss your manly voice, but that's a shitty attitude to have, bend over and take it from the government, no it really sounds like your living under a dictatorshipI miss your canuck voice as well my friend.i dont have a shitty attitude bro, but im not gonna lose any sleep over things I cant change and focus on things that I can. I got enough stress from work, wife, bills - you know - things you can take care of. I dont like what is going on at all, but like I said I myself can't change them and I dont really have the time to worry about it. Other things in my life are more important at this moment :)Like playing video games and such.
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

i dont have a shitty attitude bro, but im not gonna lose any sleep over things I cant change and focus on things that I can. I got enough stress from work, wife, bills - you know - things you can take care of. I dont like what is going on at all, but like I said I myself can't change them and I dont really have the time to worry about it. Other things in my life are more important at this moment :)Like playing video games and such.Of course, the importance of video games is paramount! But what makes America unique (not necessarily better - nods to all brits and such that I love so VERY much) is the ability, the right, and yes, the requirement to be involved in our government and society!If we don't voice our opinions or beliefs, it is a short road to a country that doesn't tolerate our voices at all.After all, this President and Government ARRESTED and detained a woman (Cindy Sheehan) at the State of the Union with a reserved seat ticket for wearing a TSHIRT that had the number of dead American soldiers on it.If we don't vigorously defend our rights to free speech and expression, they won't exist for our children.You don't have to be an activist, just an active participant.I still love you Des!
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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