Your first friends in JK2?

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Post by ArchAngel »

I remember taco's LOLZ?
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Post by Miller »

its link in the deity mask, lol he is total badass. its in the game of majoras mask.
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Post by yoda-wan »

my first good friend was either lightsaber_X or master yoda ... u wouldent know them cuz they played on a dif server than u guys ... and my next friend was xero ... and then there was dark ice (i bet tacoremembers him ... taco sent him on a raid to the [CNR]clanserver cuz "we werent behaving nicely to FCO ppl" he said i was cool and didnt want to atk me on the raid) and then there was TACO ... my all time favorite person in the game (i worship the ground he walks on) oh almighty taco ... i will do anything you say ... oh almighty taco
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Post by NatE »

Ehhh memories broughten back!!!! *cries*hehe hm.... my first friends.....1)outlaw, tibby, gemz,and last but not least Deo- first clan i was ever in i think i remember it.... [DS]? something i know it was DS but forgot how the tag was.2)Chris- u sucka... Think u can poke me dont ya? ....... Fuck j0000000000000000000000000000. Booyaka!!2)Jedi Jer,solidus,liquidus, Archy, - ack u name changer! Booyaka to u too. I rememba when u taught me that throw ur saber and hold attack thinamabop. :D 3)Lyon- .... mainly followed him heheh he was a cool dood... until he left. i think he left cuz there was some guy with the name taht started with an R and he was racist and we kicked him after one day of membership of [Yoda].4)Master Tierloc-Heh many good times in ffa whoring against each other. All the time in Clanmage..... where did he go? he joined fou then....
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Post by ZeroEnna »

First person I really talked to was Drep and I joined JFS, then hile in JFS I met lots of peeps such as Faber, Snape, Cypher, Tib, Kal, Fatal, Miller and Ardy. We had lots of great times back then.But my bestestest buddy of all is Master Z and his brother VeX!! Two of the best guys and best players I know, I love joo foooools!

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Post by Cypher »

Cypher? j00 talkin bout meh?
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Post by Saurrr! »

its link in the deity mask, lol he is total badass. its in the game of majoras mask.Oh ya I know him. Just didn't quite recognise (how the hell is that spelled!!??)Btw I have a few screens where someone is kicking me under that small "balcony" where u can do endless kicks. He's literally kicking my ass. I didn't know who he was but some while ago I checked my screens and it was *JFS*Zero_Enna. It looks funny. I see 7Up was in JFS too.
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Post by diMMu »

Sup guys.....well first friends would have to be snape with that colourful tag of his.....killed me millions of times though i had saber down(u noob!) :evil: hehe well there are others like seed, teo, stych, ahh and of course tibby!
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Post by Snape »

DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMY!!!!! :D Bloody glad you found your way over here! Heh, I remember that tag I used to have... Klasher had shown me how to put colour in my name and I took it a [size=9:10b58733a2]tiny[/size:10b58733a2] bit overboard. But I still don't remember all the saber down kills... :angel:
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Post by Step »

Snape's first friend was........................A BOT, MUAHAHAHHA LOL
{FoU} Step
- Fate of Unwanted

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