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PvP is kind of pointless in my opinion. From what I see, it's just who has more numbers, who can outnumber the other, and...well, combat is screwed up anyway. I PvP sometimes, as a Teras Kasi Master, every so often, but it's not very fun...
I just don't see why anyone would want to waste their time PvP'ing.To each their own.Maybe, if battlefields were brought back, I'd be tempted to get out and around more, but for now, I'll stick to doing other things.

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Mabye you don't like PvP because Terras Kasi do kinetic damage?Perhaps that's partly the reason. The's just not very interesting. Maybe it's because I suck at it, or maybe because it sucks. I won't deny either, because either one could be true, or maybe both are true.By the way, it's on R.
I do wonder where Terras is, too. That reminds me...

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Mabye you don't like PvP because Terras Kasi do kinetic damage?Perhaps that's partly the reason. The's just not very interesting. Maybe it's because I suck at it, or maybe because it sucks. I won't deny either, because either one could be true, or maybe both are true.By the way, it's on R.
I do wonder where Terras is, too. That reminds me...Hell if I know how to spell it, i've never even gotten TK novice.

Mabye you don't like PvP because Terras Kasi do kinetic damage?Perhaps that's partly the reason. The's just not very interesting. Maybe it's because I suck at it, or maybe because it sucks. I won't deny either, because either one could be true, or maybe both are true.By the way, it's on R.
I do wonder where Terras is, too. That reminds me...Hell if I know how to spell it, i've never even gotten TK novice.It's okay, Vauce. I don't know how to spell hippopotamus, without looking in the dictionary.We're even.

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
I'm gonna say PvP sucks, but i both suck at it and think it sucks, even if TK had more than kinetic damage it would still suck cause all you do is spam the same specials
someone asked recently if there was a rifleman macro what would it be, the replay was /mindshot2/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/headshot3/rudeanyway PvP sucks its whoever has most numbers and the most riflemen/CM so meh 

I'm gonna say PvP sucks, but i both suck at it and think it sucks, even if TK had more than kinetic damage it would still suck cause all you do is spam the same specials
anyway PvP sucks its whoever has most numbers and the most riflemen/CM so meh
:salute: Agreed.

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!