i saw it today, like i said i would. I thought it was good personally. Better than ep2. The fight scenes were cool, sucks how Windu died, and I thought Natlie(spelling) Portman's acting was really cheesy.
just got back a lil while ago...........great fucking movie, almost as good as the original three, maybe better. did a nice job of sewing up all the whole fabric of the story.
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
i saw it today, like i said i would. I thought it was good personally. Better than ep2. The fight scenes were cool, sucks how *****died, and I thought Natlie(spelling) Portman's acting was really cheesy.This is the official official thread for this movie for everyone who is going to see it and who wants to review it and whatnot. [size=24:0e204905cd]Try to not do any big spoilers or anything. [/size:0e204905cd]... [size=18:0e204905cd]outlaw - LEARN TO FUKN READ - DAMN IT!!!![/size:0e204905cd]
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.