Who isnt? anyways nice to have ya aboard on the forum mate, lol ooks like we're in the same boat, I'm not a meber eitheroh you certainly look exactly like a meber to me.................
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
Yeah errr, Hi.Anyway ummm.......... I'll be over here doing...... well it doesnt matter what i'll be doing, you probably wouldnt be interested, what with you all being gay and all
Yeah errr, Hi.Anyway ummm.......... I'll be over here doing...... well it doesnt matter what i'll be doing, you probably wouldnt be interested, what with you all being gay and all :wankah:
hey no offense but, your a genius. i didnt make that animation. check out the bottom of the sites emoticons and u will find it nice try though and tryin to be cool