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Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:16 pm
by Christian
Evan, bring it whore! i'll own you good!
btw, anyone with the FFXI Online beta, please tell me! i'd like to see if any other FoU have it besdies me!
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:18 pm
by Evangelion
I think anu has it...
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2003 6:40 pm
by Anubis
ok yes and no. i dont have the beta.i have the import from japan, in otherwords full game...but all if u need help like with something i can tell ya but cant play with ya sorry
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 3:34 am
by Ruck
whoa, hey dudes. deo bowns. good gain for jotr. good thing you guys have 5000 memebers that are g's like him. viva unwanteds, viva ruck, viva hotchicks. oh and viva naked hoez.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:54 pm
by Musashi
whoa, hey dudes. deo bowns. good gain for jotr. good thing you guys have 5000 memebers that are g's like him. viva unwanteds, viva ruck, viva hotchicks. oh and viva naked hoez.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:04 pm
by Pada*One aka InVincible
gfgfgfgf RUCK!!!!
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:05 pm
by Kamm
whoa, hey dudes. deo bowns. good gain for jotr. good thing you guys have 5000 memebers that are g's like him. viva unwanteds, viva ruck, viva hotchicks. oh and viva naked hoez.
motf-ruck :?:Another well said thing Mus.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:09 pm
by Pain-Killer
whoa, hey dudes. deo bowns. good gain for jotr. good thing you guys have 5000 memebers that are g's like him. viva unwanteds, viva ruck, viva hotchicks. oh and viva naked hoez.
motf-ruck :?:Another well said thing Mus.well said kam...
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:49 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
whoa, hey dudes. deo bowns. good gain for jotr. good thing you guys have 5000 memebers that are g's like him. viva unwanteds, viva ruck, viva hotchicks. oh and viva naked hoez.
motf-ruck :?:Another well said thing Mus.well said kam...TOO MANY QUOTES!But yea.......
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:54 pm
by DesuMacchi
Is there any other JoTR or Motf member other than ReD, that can actually make a decent post and all of us can understand what the fuck you say?JoTR = Jedi of The Retardswith the exception of ReD.ReD shouldda been FoU :(And once again, Yes I am an asshole, I am a prick, I don't care... Im just the one that says what others think.All it takes is a nutsack.