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Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:06 pm
by Grable
Even though I'm American, I must still acknowledge that Christian's comebacks are extremely lame. That being said, at least American's discovered modern dentistry! Damn I'm cool 8) .

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 3:40 pm
by Christian
Grable, you're just lame period :rofl:but you have a good point. Brits and their teeth ::shudders:: :)and weird enough Snape, that type of language would probably be best suited for the world. can't really get pissed off at someone who can't speak to you......unless they flip you off :bird1: :rofl:

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:06 pm
by Ender
Snape doesn't stereotype :rofl:oi, you are a retard. i'm a pacifist. the only thing i would do with a gun is maybe throw it at someone if i got mad enough :Pmeanwhile, at least we speak modern English. you English still live in the middle ages. screw that, lol. forget your tea too. i'm a coffee drinker :)and don't forget who saved you during WWII :rofl: j/k but it would've been a hell of alot worse without us coming to help.::throws unloaded gun at Snape's head:: and i'll do it again scone boy, hehe.You forgot WWI too Chris! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH